Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] [pron] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Icon Hear-It is the perfect solution for PC users who want their business-like IBM compatible to be more like an Apple Macintosh .
2 Of course , hypertext is a reality today because of the availability of computer environments which make it a practical possibility .
3 Or how about your every day football manager , suspect to the whims of ambitious chairmen and demands of football fans who hail you one minute and then call for your head if the glint of silverware is not on the horizon .
4 Furthermore , should such precision in stating a criterion enable test constructors to produce , unambiguously , a set of test items which exemplify it , there may be alternative ways of tackling the items .
5 However , record company sales forces do supply music videos to the limited number of record shops which stock them .
6 At the same time , we may have to accept that the National Curriculum finally forces us to address the question of how far the polarization of the discourse , and the adopting of classroom strategies which celebrate something called ‘ process ’ at the expense of content , may both stem in part from a posture of defensiveness in the face of the problem of the primary class teacher 's curriculum knowledge .
7 XTree Gold has a mass of file viewers which let you look at your data in its native format .
8 Huddersfield police have painted one of their cells pink on the advice of colour therapists who claim it gives off anti-violence wavelengths The Amarant Trust has a cassette about Hormone Replacement Therapy .
9 The high proportion of suicide attempters who visit their general practitioners not long before making attempts has already been noted ( Chapter 3 ) .
10 In addition to the power associated with positions and functions or units there is a network of control mechanisms which influence our behaviour on a day-to-day basis .
11 ABOUT a third of dog owners who exercise their pets in the Darlington Denes are using the bins specially provided for dog excrement , a survey has revealed .
12 British-born Rachel , who now lives in LA , has decorated her California home in English country style ( but more cottage than grand manor ) , at the same time as launching a number of furniture stores which reflect her personal taste .
13 But these just some of the thousands of pirate discs which find their way into homes all over Britain .
14 But these just some of the thousands of pirate discs which find their way into homes all over Britain .
15 There is no royal road to teaching , and teachers are rightly highly suspicious of IQ experts who tell them there is .
16 It is too soon to reach any definitive judgement , given the relatively few companies privatized and the extreme movements of oil prices which make it hard to compare that industry with others .
17 He 's the president , he 's the costumier , what 's this chap of travelling secateurs we welcome you up with him , for audition please contact local show office , in city where we perform , qualify you to be a trained figure skater , at least seventeen , not older than twenty six , for further information please write to Ms at
18 Until we secure proper in-service education and adequate release for classroom practitioners they remain our only supports .
19 Erm there 's um ah the origins of the myth that you can catch V D off toilet seats I suppose you could call it .
20 Depositors are issued with cheque books which enable them to spend the money directly without first having to go to the bank and draw the money out in cash .
21 I think er it 's got to be er linked certainly to the rate of inflation , er and in some way linked to the way that the fire service er has their pay formula , and they 're actually linked to 25% of the top 25% of schooled manual workers , er we 'd be looking at some sort of deal like that , or if it was n't er tied up with percentage rates I think we need , definitely need an independent pay review body for the ambulance service .
22 It was primarily concerned with the control mechanisms in systems and with communication processes which determine their successful operation , and part of its mathematical basis is found in information theory ( Holt-Jensen , 1981 ) .
23 earlier , we 've had a lot of calls on this on er , the best way to deal with house guests who inflict themselves on you over Christmas , have you ever had any horror stories yourself ?
24 For example organisations which define their markets differently will behave differently towards them .
25 Theoretically , the sulphonamide block could be by-passed if ready-made folic acid were available , but in practice microbes which make their own folic acid are unable to take it up from outside .
26 Jesus understands the hardness of the human heart , and has compassion on those in marriage relationships who find their lives in turmoil and pain .
27 If they respectfully withdraw from involvement in village affairs they find themselves branded as ‘ stand-offish ’ or ‘ jumped-up ’ ; if they participate fully in the life of the village they are accused of ‘ taking over ’ and of telling the local inhabitants how to run their own community .
28 National Trust So in conclusion in conclusion ladies I think we 've met the challenge of the industrialist in terms of making and from you the demand .
29 The fossil record shows that each new generation of dinosaur evinced marked evolutionary changes in body types which set them apart , and which fitted the ecological changes occurring coterminously around them .
30 Interest groups , such as those consisting of businessmen , trade unionists , citizens who promote the interests of the homeless or the mentally handicapped , may further the views and interests of citizens in policy areas which affect them .
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