Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [was/were] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Boys who were caned at school for smoking were found to be more likely to increase their smoking than those not caned .
2 Whether in fact any such obligations have been created depends on the construction of the lease ; and there is nothing which requires the lease to be constructed in such a way as to avoid , if possible , the creation of such obligations ( Bradshaw v Pawley [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 10 , where liability for rent was held to be retrospective ) .
3 The presence of moisture was found to be necessary to promote chemical weathering and weaken the rock sufficiently for disintegration to occur .
4 The average relative abundances of all skeletal elements for three species of owl were found to be as follows : great horned owl , 51.5 per cent ; barn owl , 62.7 per cent ; and screech owl , 46.5 per cent ( Dodson & Wexlar , 1979 ) .
5 16–7- Duncan McGilvray , a Deacon , who had been seen publicly in a state of intoxication was ordered to be publicly rebuked .
6 The raising of taxes or the dispensing of laws without the assent of Parliament was declared to be illegal .
7 When a member of parliament was considered to be in a position to influence senior officers ' careers , he might , however , find himself offered minor patronage posts to use as he saw fit , without having to do much to seek them .
8 It was widely felt , while the Bill was passing into law , that the programmes of study were going to be inflexibly prescriptive .
9 It worries me because these exemptions as to there for example er where thirty nine square metres of roof was permitted to be without support of any kind .
10 The rates of metabolism of butyrate ( Fig 2 ) and of glutamine were found to be roughly linear for at least three hours .
11 The office of governor-general was recognised to be a major one carrying much prestige and authority ; the incumbent enjoyed substantial initiative in the formulation of policy .
12 As a result of a case heard by the Convention in 1976 , in which the outlawing of homosexuality was considered to be a breach of privacy , homosexual acts between consenting adults over 21 were decriminalised in Northern Ireland .
13 The earliest evidence of modification was seen to be disarticulation of the skull bones and loss of teeth from the jaws ( particularly of unrooted microtine teeth ) .
14 This was an attempt to retain some of the advantages of the gold standard , since stable rates of exchange were thought to be beneficial to the conduct of trade and other international transactions , and yet adjustments in the exchange rate were deemed desirable for a country facing a permanent payments imbalance .
15 Thus in Couturier v. Hastie ( 1856 H.L. ) a contract to sell a cargo of corn was held to be void because , unknown to the seller , the ship 's master had already sold it in Tunisia , as it had begun to ferment en route .
16 By order of Master Miller dated 2 November 1990 the following point of law was ordered to be tried as a preliminary point before the trial of the action , namely whether the council could maintain an action for libel for any words which reflected upon the council as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund , and whether , if not , the statement of claim disclosed a cause of action .
17 Even if the troops currently under arms could be knocked into shape , finding yet more reserves of manpower was going to be difficult .
18 Certainly there are no profound conclusions to be drawn from that fact , except to note that various forms of contraception were beginning to be practised from the 1870s onwards , with a steady decline in the national birth-rate apparent during the following decade .
19 Monitoring work has been carried out and levels of pollution were found to be well below the danger level .
20 The continuing high level of inflation was reported to be one of the principal causes of public dissatisfaction with the party , which had been founded by Özal as a broad alliance in 1983 .
21 The excess of Government expenditure in that year over the yield of taxation was forecast to be £1 billion and actually turned out to be just over £1and1/2 ; billion .
22 This fascinating document , completed in 1941 , after its aged author had once again perambulated the African continent , shows the extent to which accommodation to change and the continuation of control were considered to be compatible goals of policy .
23 It is perhaps a reflection of the overall picture in academic libraries that their rates of use were deemed to be quite good .
24 This change of policy was perceived to be an example of de Klerk 's desire to negotiate some form of power-sharing with legitimate black leaders .
25 A security agreement signed by the Tunisian and Egyptian governments on July 13 envisaged a regular exchange of information and co-operation in the training of security personnel ; the main focus of co-operation was expected to be Islamist groups .
26 Markets were buoyant and the maintenance of a high level of demand was thought to be the key to sustained prosperity .
27 Oral and intragastric infusions of beer were found to be potent stimuli of gastric acid secretion , with a response of over 95% of that produced by pentagastrin .
28 In the mid 1960s annual world catches of beluga were estimated to be around 5000 — 6000 , and 20 years ago in the USSR alone , catches were 3000–4000 .
29 Reproducibility was checked with six biopsy specimens from adjacent sites in a single patient and coefficient of variation was found to be 12% for butyrate metabolism expressed per µg protein per hour and 18% for glutamine metabolism .
30 See also Ginera v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1982 S.L.T. 136 where an application for Sunday opening in respect of a provisional grant of licence was held to be incompetent as the licence is not in force and only the holder of a public house licence can make application for Sunday opening .
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