Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [is] that [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 The bottom line for liability is that you are only legally committed to an agreement made by an agent when :
2 However , the major weakness of the Keynesian theory of the demand for money is that it is couched in terms of a choice simply between money and bonds .
3 As Ogden Nash put it , ‘ Another good thing about gossip is that it is within everybody 's reach/And it is much more interesting than any other form of speech … ’
4 One of the most wonderful things about religion is that it 's always there waiting for us .
5 The final point by way of preface is that it is a mistake to assume that all black people are deprived .
6 A major benefit of ISDN is that it is a dial-up service , just like the ordinary phone network .
7 The reality of the process of change is that it is conducted in context .
8 Obviously , after a major international disturbance of this kind , people are concerned about the airways , and the reality of course is that it 's erm a damn sight more dangerous to cross the M forty than it is to cross the Atlantic .
9 What 's much more important for him is of course is that he 's score , got his name on the score sheet and Tony will be such a relieved man , and the crowd 's so delighted for him .
10 Erm two things now have cropped up number one of course is that there 's a fair chance within the next year we 're gon na lose Bill anyway through civilianisation , and secondly er the fact that er his boss er Rick has said to him , look I do n't want you going up a division any more to do erm A L O work , quite reasonably , he 's not being funny about it , it 's quite reasonable , cos its mileage .
11 On the one hand , it would seem that if a claim can be framed as one in contract or tort , or if it concerns a private legal right , it need not be brought under Ord. 53 even if the very ground on which the respondent 's action is alleged to be a tort or breach of contract is that it was illegal in a public law sense .
12 The implication here for policy-makers who would wish to promote movement away from transmission patterns of teaching is that there is a need to ease and improve those conditions that currently incline teachers towards survival more than mere coping , and towards the control-centred transmission-style pedagogies that follow from it .
13 For many of us , one of the fascinations of teaching is that it is not a static affair , a series of learned techniques regularly applied , but a continuing exploration of possibilities .
14 An important feature of Larrain 's analysis of Marx 's concept of ideology is that it is not directly determined by the material relations of production .
15 The curious thing about such stretches of Creole is that they are never treated as an invitation to continue the conversation in Creole , but rather as a one-off comment .
16 What distinguishes the companies still with us after a long period of recession is that they are lucky — they do not seem to have been hit by the unexpected .
17 He had realised that the refinement of distress is that you are obliged to suffer not just for yourself , which is the easier part , but for others as well .
18 A further source of uncertainty is that there is no single set of terms in use among researchers and census-takers for the different ethnic groups .
19 My experience in 14 years of practice is that it is virtually impossible to instigate disciplinary procedures such as the protection afforded workers by their trades union agreements .
20 The point of research is that it is a systematic human endeavour intended to produce a level of impersonal knowledge , standing outside individuals .
21 A key characteristic of research is that it is public .
22 A further feature of habituation is that it is supposed to show spontaneous recovery after a retention interval ; but although some studies of latent inhibition have revealed an equivalent effect ( e.g. Best and Gemberling 1977 ; McIntosh and Tarpy 1977 ; Westbrook , Provost , and Homewood 1982 ) , others have reported perfect retention of latent inhibition ( Siegel 1970 ; James 1971 ; Crowell and Anderson 1972 ) .
23 One crucial characteristic of sovereignty is that it is apparently indivisible .
24 One result of this difference of reference is that it is possible to construct sentences which will be analytic or contradictory on the one interpretation but not on the other : ( 11 ) Nikolai offered us the message decoded but it was not decoded when he offered it to us 4.2 One curious feature about these adjectives is that they somehow seem to modify not only the noun which they accompany but simultaneously the verb as well ; if this is a genuine observation it will be surprising on general grounds , since it would be decidedly abnormal in syntax for one element to simultaneously qualify two different items .
25 The essence of Broadcasting is that it is a means of communication capable of conveying intelligence into every home simultaneously ’ ( BBC , 1952 , p. 9 ) .
26 What makes the situation especially difficult in the case of homosexuality is that there are those who arm their homophobia by ignoring the first dimension described above — an exile which generates critique — insisting only on the second — the exile who flees one kind of discrimination only to reproduce others , and who is seen to do so in virtue of the alleged ‘ predatory ’ nature of the homosexual desire , now quintessentially defined as a desire to exploit the disadvantaged .
27 Thus the first assumption of liberal-democracy is that it is a democracy in the sense expressed above .
28 Am I right in supposing that one essential quality of poetry is that it is meant to be read aloud ?
29 The simplest form of empiricism is that there is a single method for both : observe , notice a pattern , generalize , test for new instances .
30 The public image of insulin is that it is some kind digestive enzyme , necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates which , in fact , is not the case .
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