Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [subord] i [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But I lied about the afternoon and I was worried when you wanted to keep the betting slips because you probably know that one of the horses won and I would have won quite a lot of money if I 'd stayed in the betting shop .
2 A splendid night of football although I had hoped Villa would go through .
3 I 'd been in and out of hospitals , where my veins had been pumped full of glucose because I 'd refused to eat .
4 I 've come straight from the calving and I did n't even get a cup of tea when I 'd finished .
5 I told myself I was gon na learn a bit of German before I went to see Eileen again
6 Though the marker stone had been half out of water when I started to run , the whole barrage of banked stones , with the causeway atop , was suddenly aswirl and , as I raced for the crossing , the level seemed to rise a foot or more .
7 Well , I had moments of despair when I intended to shoot myself , but in the end I decided to bring the mad woman back to Thornfield Hall , where nobody knew that we were married .
8 I was trying to find the place we met her yesterday morning when I heard you shouting and the sounds of ambush so I rode to investigate . ’
9 Well we had oh I 'm trying to think what we had today oh got out of assembly because I had to go and speak to this maths teacher who 's dead boring !
10 I did a lot of homework when I started working on the script .
11 ‘ And there was a lot of trouble when I wanted to help the Vicar .
12 I did n't go till about half ten ah no cos I had a few letters and stuff to write first and I thought right I 'll just take me time and , cos I wanted to I did n't wan na go faster than you know than I should , I should have done sort of thing cos I wanted to time it properly .
13 I munched away at my apple and toyed with a piece of cheese as I tried to concentrate on their views on Karl Marx .
14 O K , er , let's go back to Andrew , how much would I pay for my fifty thousand pounds of cover if I wanted to pay annually , will it cost me two hundred or two forty ?
15 ‘ In the end I ran out of material so I had to use a sketch devised by my son !
16 I went to Croke Park and I had not the slightest interest in Protestantism but I did come from a Fermanagh family where you did live cheek by jowl with republicanism so I had imbibed it undoubtedly and it resurfaced , the inherited knowledge of the heart of the controversy in Ulster .
17 I think my G P actually sent me further down hill into anorexia after I 'd lost about , about when I was seven stone I went to see her , I 'd never seen her before and she said well you look perfectly acc , sociably acceptable to me so I went on to lose two more stone before going back to see her and was admitted to hospital as a medical emergency !
18 They took into account whether I had put matches down or taken them away .
19 All this happened in the twinkling of an eye and just as quickly I extricated myself from the upholstered prison , scraped up my hat and tried to bash it back into shape as I hobbled to retrieve a far-flung shoe .
20 I was all agog with curiosity for I had glimpsed a cart , covered by a black damask cloth , arriving outside the main door of the church .
21 You know like for example if I said come on chaps thank you , erm what you 're actually doing then is confessing to me that you have n't finish off Chapter ten questions .
22 Unless the Church of Scotland has redefined the meaning of ordination , I remain a minister in function although I chose to demit status .
23 The film in progress when I arrived showed a football match between a team of nuns and a team of soldiers , and every time the referee blew his whistle for a penalty ( which was every few seconds ) the player concerned had to lose a garment .
24 Erm Well I 'm a trained teacher but er I did n't get much experience in teaching although I had obtained my degree in teaching in nineteen fifty-eight .
25 My encounters with girls were destined always to end in rejection until I 'd left my teens behind me .
26 Ronnie 's news , I found , had given me a good deal more confidence in Fringe than I had had on Drifter , illogical though it might be .
27 The director of studies , an obnoxious little shit who knew exactly where we both stood , received me in audience after I had waited for three-quarters of an hour .
28 That 's all I ever wanted to do in boxing after I 'd learned the craft and now I want to make a little bit more ’ .
29 It 's almost like the ceremony of ordaining a bishop in fact if I 'd turned the wrong page we could have ended up with a bishop rather than an abbot you know
30 In fact if I 'd known I was coming here I could have brought you some in , let you seen what we used to do .
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