Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] was to be " in BNC.

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1 According to de Lattre , France had spent too much blood and treasure for the Vietnamese to expect the sort of independence that was to be found in the British Commonwealth .
2 With the amount of work that was to be dealt with during the coming months his chances of getting away from the hospital much before eight or nine any evening were very slight .
3 Now , Paul is addressing a group — and that group is the colony of heaven that was to be found in Ephesus .
4 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the phrase ‘ office or employment ’ in section 16(2) ( c ) of the Act was not confined to the narrow limits of a contract of service but was to be construed in a wider sense as a matter of ordinary language ; and that , accordingly , the provision of services by the appellant as a self-employed accountant was properly described as employment within the ambit of section 16(2) ( c ) ( post , p. 506B–D , E–G ) .
5 Ealing 's Meet Mr Lucifer ( 1953 ) defined the new medium 's effect on audiences as largely negative and , by distinguishing the communal address of cinema from television 's attention to the individual , established a line of attack that was to be much used later .
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