Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Er yes current position er at the moment I 'm the licence training manager for brewery and I 've held that position for five and a half years .
2 No vines may be brought into production for Champagne until they have attained their ‘ third leaf ’ , that is to say , when they are three years old .
3 In May last year the Court of Appeal upheld a judgment against the friend for more than £5,500 damages for negligence because he had owed the accountant a duty of care .
4 A registered elector over the age of twenty-one may be a candidate if not disqualified , but in addition people may stand for election if they have occupied property , been resident or had their main place of work in the area for at least twelve months .
5 right , now what you 've got to judge at the end of the day , now lets say for instance that you 've put in six lines six lines , right and you only wanted to use two of them all you 've got a number for is the rental charge is n't it ?
6 From the day they had all parted , diverging from Ecalpemos out into the world , he had never seen Adam again , but he knew all about him , knew for instance that he had become a partner in a company selling computers that called itself Verne-Smith-Duchini .
7 For instance if you 've missed your eighteen hundred on year two , if you put in three thousand six hundred
8 On the facts of Modupe the accused was guilty of inducing his creditors to wait for payment when he had obtained credit by stating that he owned property when he did not and by exaggerating his employment status .
9 If you 've had speeding disqualification er speeding points and you were up for disqualification because you 'd totted up twelve points
10 I suspected this fool was so desperate for money that he 'd concealed the bumps and scratches on the disc with black shoe polish , so I was examining its surface with a magnifying glass .
11 ‘ Normally clients wo n't get the feeling they have had value for money unless they have had a disaster and the lawyer has got them out of it , ’ said , one of the senior partners in Biggart Baillie Gifford 's company and commercial department .
12 Clive had a stammer and had learnt through regression that it had originated when he had been the subject of bullying at school .
13 Yeah but trouble is you pray for ra , pray for snow when you 've got a four wheel drive car !
14 No I find the best thing for snow cos we 've got an eight car driveway so you can imagine how much
15 She had not travelled for pleasure since she had come home from her long sojourn and she had wiped out of her memory the simple delights of hot sun and cheap wine .
16 Dad , the , well erm , were doing about things about light and we 've got this black piece of paper , cutting out a shape sort of candle and cutting , erm colouring paper underneath so that we can put them on the windows at .
17 She had pressed the pinafored lady for confirmation that she had understood her last question , but the answer had still come back ‘ one week ’ .
18 If you read the paragraph carefully you will find your eyes continually moving to the pie chart for confirmation that you have understood what has been written .
19 However , the playgroup run by local parents had not been the success for Balbinder that we had hoped .
20 For example , when I first lived alone I used to be in a state of anxiety every time I left the house , for fear that I had forgotten something .
21 for wool when we 've got so many
22 It was n't until she had returned to the lounge after washing-up that she had discovered that the door of the glass display cabinet was swinging open .
23 Well I well I 'll have a week 's holiday after Easter and I 've got ta go unless we go to .
24 United Biscuits was one of the few fallers after confirmation that it had sold its Terry 's chocolate division to Kraft of the U.S. in a deal worth £220 million .
25 There have to be , there are particular reasons why er after revolutionary upheavals you very often get authoritarian forms of government and I would say in Russia and i i in a sense it 's linked with Harold 's question as well about erm the Chinese following a Stalinist model of economic reconstruction think what you 've actually got in Russia is not this sort of mass hankering after authoritarianism but you 've got a situation where the bureaucracy that controls a completely devastated , backward economy , which is what they 've actually got in the early nineteen twenties , where the working class democracy has just disappeared really with , with the , with the economic collapse , with the factories shutting down , with all of the old communist party militants going into the Red Army or getting sucked into the state bureaucracy with that sort of complete collapse really , economically and socially and politically , you 've got a situation where the central priority of the leadership is to build up Russian industry as quickly as possible so that Russia has got the armed forces it needs
26 But he asked me if I 'd send them er er a full report of it after day after they 'd done it .
27 ‘ He ( Burke ) dashed into the blazing furnace with reckless abandon , making trip after trip until he had rescued many persons .
28 Write to F1 for Help if you 've got a problem with your software , hardware or peripherals that you want sorting out .
29 Write to F1 for Help if you 've got a problem with your software , hardware or peripherals that you want sorting out .
30 We tried for compensation and we 've got Tony Baldry , who we 're going to see Saturday , and he 's going to try and claim for us under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act .
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