Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] part of the " in BNC.

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31 where loss , misdelivery or damage , however sustained , is in respect of part of the Consignment , to the proportion of the sum ascertained in accordance with ( 1 ) ( a ) of this Condition which the actual value of that part of the Consignment bears to the actual value of the whole of the Consignment .
32 By his statement of claim , the plaintiff alleged that on July 6 , 1932 , the defendants by their solicitor , a Mr. Kennard , verbally agreed with him that , if he would on July 7 , 1932 , pay the £208 in cash into a bank at Eastbourne for the credit of the solicitor 's firm at the Law Courts branch of the Bank of England , that payment would satisfy all sums that he owed them and a bankruptcy notice which they had issued in respect of part of the debt would not be served on him .
33 It did n't help when Westminster enforced successive cuts in pay as part of the public-services ' sacrifice in relation to the national economic crisis of 1931 and 1932 .
34 Neurulation results in a major change in shape of part of the embryo — a flat sheet of cells on the upper surface folds up to form a tube that will develop into the brain and spinal cord .
35 It is open to debate whether the small round building built in front as part of the Regional Government complex detracts from the renovated old building .
36 Restrictions will be found in non-competition covenants included in service contracts executed by key employees on completion as part of the transaction .
37 The issue seemed to be settled when a number of studies were carried out that showed that animals and humans still regulated their food intake even after the stomach had been removed , an experimental procedure analogous to ablation of part of the CNS .
38 The company displays goods , including pads for the management of continence , where they can be easily seen and purchased without embarrassment as part of the ordinary process of shopping .
39 Thirdly , however , the focus on ethnicity as part of the discourse of cultural pluralism and diversity pays scant attention to the highly complex , contextually variable and economically and politically influenced drawing and redrawing of boundaries that takes place in encounters within the minority communities and in relation to white groups .
40 As early as January 1951 , 101 Squadron had two Meteor F.4s on charge as part of the run down of Lincoln strength ready for the concentration on jet re-role .
41 The issues accountants have to decide are the same whether the vendors are entitled to their deferred consideration or the purchasers are entitled to repayment of part of the purchase price because of breach of warranty .
42 The review 's suggestion that drug addicts , ‘ dossers ’ and some people with mental health problems should not be counted as unemployed is partly based on the department 's evidence that a ‘ significant and relatively high proportion ’ of mental patients have been returned to society as part of the Government 's ‘ care in the community ’ policy .
43 The discrepancy was believed to be due to the fact that a proportion of the PCBs evaporate naturally when exposed to air as part of the treatment process .
44 The RUC were on duty along part of the Ormeau Road as members of the Ballynafeigh district paraded past .
45 The key worker should be on hand for part of the time to settle in the new resident .
46 Thanks to Vo Quy — who led the first team of Vietnamese scientists south of the seventeenth parallel to investigate the environmental damage caused during the US/Vietnam war — almost every student in Vietnam plants one to three trees per year as part of the school curriculum .
47 The organizers have asked exhibitors to keep photographs , drawings , source materials , etc. and these will be on view as part of the exhibition .
48 Mr Gonzalez , who represents the modest Hispanic city of San Antonio , Texas , shepherded the affordable-housing programme through Congress as part of the S&L bail-out .
49 Assignments should be devised to test both individual abilities and abilities to work as a member of a group ; in the latter case , when group assignments are submitted for moderation as part of the course assessment , moderators will require clear indication of how the contribution of individual students will be identified in the marking of the work .
50 The Interim report considered that there were only two alternative methods of relieving the congestion of London : either by vertical expansion in multi-storey buildings , or by removal of part of the population elsewhere , so achieving lower densities and larger open spaces .
51 W. Russell Brain has said : ‘ The surface of the body is a frontier which is perceived from both sides , by vision as part of the external world and from within by the various forms of cutaneous sensibility . ’
52 Note that this keyword is normally only entered by LIFESPAN as part of the approval process .
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