Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun] and [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The only county on our border without it is Gloucestershire and we 've got one , two , or three areas of our three of our districts , of which two are just poised to get designation , and you 're now beginning to scream and you and your group are beginning to scream about West Oxfordshire and its a situation that you have contributed to .
2 The parents do contribute an awful lot to the superego but they do n't seem to contribute everything , and the superego remember , is formed by the ego through an active process of identification internalization and there the ego itself is , is a factor and I think mentioned this .
3 It is anticipated that this research , when complete will add to our understanding of the problems of teacher supply and what the possible effects of alternative policies might be .
4 The castle 's black-cloaked seneschal had scowled darkly on the previous occasions when Quiss had tracked him down in the kitchens and asked him what was going on and what he intended to do about it ; he made dour excuses and talked of the corrosive effects of salt water and what a mess it made of his pipes and anyway materials were very hard to come by these days — What days ?
5 Feeling there was a gap in the market between what was good advice on skin care and what the public was being given , she interviewed leading New York dermatologists and wrote a very honest feature entitled ‘ Can a Great Skin be Created ? ’
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