Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun] [conj] say [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 At the very least this theory about post-natal depressions shows it 's not that simple , the mother has a self-interest as well as the offspring and our modern insight into parental investment theory shows us that we have to take every individual 's self-interest seriously we 're not committing th the , the crude errors of group selectionism and saying you know mothers exist for the benefit of society to have children , they should put up with it .
2 Mr Stewart said there was little hope of government intervention but said he would be working strenuously to ease the plight of the Albion workers .
3 At quarter to eleven her old friend Jerry , the Valium addict , wandered in complaining of stomach pains and said he 'd taken another overdose .
4 Ousley claims CDC has some $130m in cash reserves and says it is now in the market for acquisitions in the channels and application areas .
5 Waxed jacket is an accountant , working in the Gulf : ‘ For my sins , ’ Lone drinker is a director of a bank in East Africa and says he must n't grumble .
6 It detected a pick-up in house sales and said it hoped 1993 would prove ‘ a springboard for recovery ’ .
7 She is not impressed at the concept of working for dole money and says it might be a better idea to give people a minimum wage for doing community work .
8 The life president of Malawi , Kamuzu Banda , bowed to opposition pressure and said he would not insist on having two ballot boxes , one for yeses , one for noes , at next month 's referendum on whether to move to democracy .
9 ‘ Well , give my love to cousin George and say we 'll expect to see him at Cumbermound for the show on Sunday .
10 Steve has a proverb for us : ‘ There 's a cliché about film criticism that says you ca n't talk your way out of a belly laugh or an erection .
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