Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [pron] [vb -s] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 One very small point of procedure is worth noting : at a first glance at this example there appears to be a redundancy of the indication pp , but on closer examination it is seen that it has never been used unnecessarily , for where it appears on the same line of the score in two successive bars the first of the pair of instruments whose parts are written on that line enters alone , and the second joins him in the next bar .
2 Further , it is assumed that units of consumers ' and producers ' surplus can be added and subtracted , i.e. a unit of surplus represents the same quantity of benefit irrespective of whether it accrues to the buyer or seller .
3 It 's almost as if he paces in the corner of the office waiting to get his hands on me — and he gets jealous when I 'm writing about someone else . ’
4 He is a big likeable feller who looks as if he belongs in a jazzband playing the stringbass .
5 This highly characteristic Fifties attitude makes Souza 's work look as if it belongs to a time rather than a place .
6 ‘ Such luxurious hair , a face that looks as if it belongs to an angel … but of course , ’ he murmured , ‘ you kiss like an expert . ’
7 This type of noise is often from a diff and travels down the tubular propshaft to sound as if it comes from the gearbox and gets louder as the roadspeed increases .
8 One wonders how often our players play in tournaments for if one looks at the tennis results in the daily newspapers one seldom sees the letters G.B. behind the player 's name , and if we do , seldom does it appear past the first round .
9 The meaning of a typical sentence in a natural language is complex in that it results from the combination of meanings which are in some sense simpler .
10 The above form is essentially objective , in that it relates to the objects of local government , e.g. education , health , highways , etc .
11 Poverty compelled a return to advertising in the early 1940s but the work of this period is essentially derivative in that it borrows from the artist 's own paintings .
12 In contrast to more conventional strategies for innovation , especially found in America , organization development is holistic or systemic in that it concentrates on the organization more than on the isolated individual or practice .
13 Their anthology , like Grigson 's , is valuable in that it steps outside the ordinary canon of eighteenth century verse to recover poets whose works bear consideration .
14 That which restructures for labour is local , in that it arises from a desire to tackle local problems with locally based solutions to benefit local people .
15 In Masterson v. Holden it was held that the conduct was insulting because the magistrates might properly have taken the view that such objectionable conduct in a public street may well be regarded as insulting in that it suggests to a witness that he or she is somebody who would find such conduct in public acceptable himself or herself .
16 In some ways it is similar to second language acquisition , but it appears to be different in that it starts from the natively acquired dialect as a base .
17 The CSA 1985 , which is by far the most important piece of legislation , in that it lies at the heart of anti-insider dealing regulation in the UK , outlines the substantive elements of insider dealing offences .
18 ‘ But such heaviness of heart is bitter-sweet , in that it pines for the absence of the beloved whilst looking to the joy of reunion .
19 Their position is thus an empiricist one , in that it rests on the principle that knowledge is the product of experience .
20 The young Dutchman is unusual in that he travels with a ‘ mental ’ coach , who practices something called haptotherapy .
21 He has a gorilla mask on and he talks with the voice of a baby and he has a huge syringe and I 'm tied to the seat screaming .
22 USER_INPUT/ — is an input parameter specifying the DC identifier to be assessed , the assessment comment and this user 's decision as to whether he agrees with the changes being implemented .
23 Where an instrument transfers property in contemplation of the sale of the property at a later date , its treatment will depend on whether it falls within the terms of s 90 , FA 1963 .
24 However , this is only on procedural grounds and not , as in the United States , on the merits of the decision , that is on whether it conforms to the judicial view of what the constitution requires .
25 In order to facilitate consideration of the national court 's question ( 2 ) it appears advisable to divide it into sections depending on whether it relates to the nationality or the place of residence of the owners and operators ( ‘ operator ’ covers charterers , managers or operators within the meaning of section 14(1) ( c ) of the Act of 1988 ) , or to the place from which the vessel is operated , and hence to reformulate it as follows :
26 Labour does not have a clear policy on whether it believes in a second and tolled crossing , or wants just one very congested bridge — which would be very bad news for Wales .
27 ‘ Everything depends on whether he appears in the morning . ’
28 Michelle is obviously a sunlust person in that respect and depending on whether she goes to a main package resort in Spain or perhaps a beach in India , she can either be a psychocentric sunlust person or an alocentric sunlust person .
29 Now these represent , and this list is sent back to us and retained on the with the contract and all the details of this assignment for when it comes to the top of the pile as it were .
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