Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [det] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm y'know erm it 's also erm perhaps interesting the way things have er have shifted you know in the last decade or so , like that thing that erm used to be on in the seventies , It Ai n't Half Hot Mum , with um a number of people pretending to be Indians and and exhibiting all the stereotypes y'know it ai n't half racist mum is probably more erm er in fact there was a book called It Ai n't Half Racist Mum that er Leicester University library had er y'know going on about exactly that you know the sort of y'know racism of comedy .
2 I knew it did me good to be reminded of how much I loathed the suburbs , and that I had to continue my journey into London and a new life , ensuring I got away from people and streets like this .
3 We saw earlier that majority decision-taking , even in the context of direct participatory democracy , poses the problem of how those who oppose the majority position and vote against it can be said to be governing themselves .
4 One of the greatest love stories of all time and amongst the most enthralling romances in literature — JANE EYRE is compulsive entertainment for both those who know the story and for those to whom it is unfamiliar .
5 Nor a question of manners , or a moral issue concerned with how those who serve the public behave .
6 Captain Crowe looked likely to be the last man to leave the ship but DeFreitas scuttled him eight minutes after he reached a courageous fifty with yet another which left the bat .
7 I … despised most of the boys , that were at all near my own age — and before I was eight years old , I was a character — sensibility , imagination , vanity , sloth , & feelings of deep & bitter contempt for almost all who traversed the orbit of my understanding , were even then prominent & manifest .
8 Secondly , though such a society may exhibit the tension , already described , between those who accept the rules and those who reject the rules except where fear of social pressure induces them to conform , it is plain that the latter can not be more than a minority , if so loosely organized a society of persons , approximately equal in physical strength , is to endure : for otherwise those who reject the rules would have too little social pressure to fear …
9 It is simply to recall the fact that almost all human behaviour , at least that which deserves the name of ‘ action ’ , is in fact culturally moulded and elaborated .
10 Public life and science are both jealous mistresses , not tolerating known devotion to another pursuit ; but at least those who administer the affairs of the country ought to , and do not , ‘ know enough of science to appreciate its value , and to be acquainted with its wants and with its bearings on the interests of society ’ .
11 Another prison , indeed , but at least this one had a visitation promised .
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