Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But not for long and I never came over to the Yamacraw .
2 Any drill which requires changes in word order , whether optional or obligatory , which requires the addition or deletion of grammatical constituents such as not and which further exacts the alteration of grammatical pairs such as already and yet , can be called a transformational drill .
3 Since Plato ( dreamed that he ) saw Socrates most days , and this was among the most vivid and consistent of all his experiences ( dreams ? ) , and since Socrates said things which he , Plato , had not thought of before and which sometimes surprised him , Plato found it most consistent and convenient to ’ believe ’ that Socrates really did exist .
4 Yeah , and one got stuck in the , there was an entry between my father-in-law 's shop and the next one and one of these cattle ran down the entry and got stuck in the entry , you know it was only narrow and the they had to shoot it , but er oh yes it was a , that was a thing you never hear of today and you never hear of people putting tannin down when people are ill do you ?
5 You know how it is , you 're in the middle of nowhere when you suddenly think of a drum pattern and bass line for your latest track .
6 You know how it is , you 're in the middle of nowhere when you suddenly think of a drum pattern and bass line for your latest track .
7 So I 'm out and about and quite often I go and visit people in their own homes out of the back and beyond of nowhere cos I just called out as a result of that and I suddenly thought I I 'm highly vulnerable to them I could be subject to attack like anybody else , how will I protect myself ?
8 But there are times like now when I really miss
9 ‘ The motivation has to come from within and he also needs to take the right approach when he 's away from Anfield , ’ he added .
10 It was all go from 8.00am until we finally finished at 5.00pm .
11 A few years ago they were making some of the best pop singles you could play on a jukebox : ‘ Something About You ’ , ‘ Leaving Me Now ’ , ‘ Lessons In Love ’ , all the kind of thing that you felt you were going to be sick of hearing before long but which still sounded good after the thousandth time .
12 It was from here that they effectively ran their great republic of sixty-nine states .
13 Another designer , this time a man , told me there is no such thing as a really new design , only a bit taken from here and something else added from there .
14 Lord knows how long I 'd have been stuck in here before they finally realised I was telling the truth .
15 They 've been in here and they still want you to do the disco !
16 It was from there that he also issued his first denunciations of the Pahlavi dynasty that laid the foundations of his revolution .
17 I was sure that I 'd be safe from then when I finally emerged from the city on the far side — it was n't likely that rats would abe allowed too close to the Divine Sanctum — but I could n't yet see any sign of a far side .
18 Yeah well there is about seventeen pounds in change in there but we still have to get the Christmas puddings cos we have n't seen any yet .
19 There 's a national debate going on t we 're not gon na crack it here this afternoon and I do n't want to get in there but I just wanted to put the other side of the er of the coin to that .
20 and he saw two sweaters in there that he really liked
21 We knew what were in there before you even opened your hand up !
22 yeah they were coming in there and we nearly got knock got knocked over about five times actually there was another student car park at the back as well
23 It was awful he said go and get it it 'll be in there and I just went er and I could see it all .
24 but there were some of the things in there and I just did n't expect them to ask me , and it was n't in the book like .
25 The black and there was all cement drawn and everything and we had a big table in there and he just carried on he did n't make shoes and he died when he was er , well he had a bad stroke and , and he was in the other room for seven years .
26 We put our cat in there cos she like going in there and we have some ta , we put seed and that down there .
27 So we can expect this summer , in your view we can expect to see as many tourists from overseas as we normally do .
28 There are countless books and pamphlets on chairmanship but the words do not amount to much until you actually take charge .
29 But I think that to allow those two sort of issues to get too inseparable , as it were , to so that we simply regard ourselves as being in a position to issue directives about behaviour , which do n't acknowledge that these are young people who have to learn to be autonomous , then we get ourselves onto a hiding for nothing .
30 I 've visited at least two or three times each year since then and I still hesitate to claim to know the area really well .
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