Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] [conj] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I think I can say that during my career most of the things I 've decided ought to be done , I 've got done , but I 've done them in very different ways to other people and sometimes I 've been criticised for not going out and grabbing the headlines .
2 She let the silence go on , and wondered about just getting up and leaving right then without one word , not one word of the torrent foaming in her guts .
3 It takes the way things go instead of just making , yeah , instead of just sitting down and getting on with it .
4 Champion of the underdog and believer in the nobility of the common man , he lost no opportunity to teach his daughter the importance of never giving in or allowing herself to be beaten by lack of courage .
5 A third reason for isostatic anomalies is that there are dynamic forces present in the sub-lithospheric mantle which are capable of actively dragging down or pushing up the lithosphere .
6 He remained doubled over for several seconds before slowly straightening up and wiping the sweat from his forehead .
7 And there it teetered for a few seconds before finally toppling over and falling with a sharp tinkle on to the desk-top .
8 It is not cutting the forest , going away , leaving it and letting the trees look after themselves , and the rest of the forest regrow , without actually going in and cutting it down and burning it .
9 For actually glancing down and looking at a clock
10 Of those bats which use echo-location many also use sight to locate a prey at a distance , but employ their short-range sonar for actually closing in and catching it .
11 The easier alternative for video is to record the scene as a two-shot ( page 73 ) , the static nature of which can be relieved by discreetly zooming in and panning between the two speakers from time to time and then zooming back to the two-shot .
12 Because of his understanding of practice , he is able not only to show how police ideology is maintained , but even propose alternative models by merely writing down and presenting his knowledge .
13 It 's something that everybody should be aware of all the time , and I do see a lot of guitarists who really let themselves down by just falling back and letting the obvious happen .
14 I sold three and one of the reasons why and I think we got tremendous opportunity to develop an enormous part by just going in and speaking to people to explain to and they can relate to write lots and lots of and you can get a good grip we wo n't do it overnight , it is something you have got to develop .
15 ) The same may be said of the glissando , produced by rapidly drawing in or pushing out the slide .
16 By simply picking up and moving the categories ' names with the mouse I can reverse their positions and totally rebuild the worksheet …
17 You can bring some variety and social contact into your life by simply going out and talking to people .
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