Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] were [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Four robbers , two of whom were believed to be armed , threatened two security guards at the side entrance of the post office in Constitution Street close to the headquarters of Tayside police in Bell Street .
2 Results announced on Oct. 6 showed that 35 seats had been taken by outspoken critics of the government , described by the Washington Post as " drawn from a diverse group of Islamists , secular liberals and traditional politicians " , 15 of whom were said to be from districts which traditionally had supported the ruling family .
3 He was disappearing regularly into the bowels of the City to meet various moneypersons , all of whom were assumed to be faintly threatening male chauvinists .
4 He replaced seven ministers , most of whom were thought to be planning to stand as candidates in the legislative elections due in the first half of 1992 .
5 However , the fact that 90 seats were to be reserved for workers , peasants , scientists , intellectuals , artists , students and ethnic minorities " active in the revolution " ( all of whom were expected to be NSF supporters drawn from its 145-member Council ) led to opposition accusations that the NSF meant to retain power .
6 However , parliamentary debate on the bill was postponed until the autumn session since there was much public criticism of PS politicians many of whom were expected to be among the several thousand likely to benefit from the amnesty .
7 In an ensuing fight around Christmas time 1896 the police had swooped and arrested twenty-eight youths some of whom were found to be in possession of pistols , which was taken to link them to a young girl 's death — although this was some months later .
8 Some of them were said to be at least a hundred years old .
9 All but two of them were found to be leading personal lives that were full of achievement .
10 During 1989 and early 1990 , in addition to the May and September 1989 attacks listed above ( both of which were believed to be connected with the Koskotas affair and with the November 17 Revolutionary Organization ) there were a number of small bomb attacks against cars and buildings , which caused material damage and sometimes injury but no deaths .
11 It is difficult to achieve truly three-dimensional accuracy with this method , but mathematical precision was not a prime requirement in Roman commissions , most of which were intended to be displayed in a setting with a restricted angle of view .
12 Relations improved with Egypt and Syria , while Yemen and Jordan , both of which were perceived to be sympathetic to Iraq [ see pp. 37728 ; 37927 ] , became increasingly marginalized ; in addition full diplomatic relations were re-established with the Soviet Union [ see below ] .
13 Earlier the court had been shown a quantity of bricks and stones some of which were said to be bloodstained , and a heavy iron bar .
14 Some , however , were concerned about the nature of the play activities , almost all of which were seen to be based on some kind of violence .
15 Lacking a majority in either chamber , he asked senators and deputies for 180 days of extraordinary legislative powers to launch an economic anti-inflationary plan ( details of which were expected to be announced in August ) , with the intention of restoring Peru 's relationships with international lending agencies .
16 He was punished for publishing The Light and Dark Sides of God ( 1650 ) , copies of which were ordered to be burned , although George Thomason [ q.v. ] was still able to acquire a copy in November of the same year .
17 With an ill-fated exuberance which only a government in its last stages could achieve , Lloyd George succeeded in assembling five nominations for peerages , four of which were alleged to be discreditable .
18 Privatization would fall into two categories : the sale of state-owned shops and restaurants , which had in fact been under way since May 1 ; and the sale of state-owned factories and enterprises , 40 per cent of which were envisaged to be in private hands within three years .
19 ACA ACA and FCA all of who were found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that they at Stockport between 1 February 1991 and 31 October 1991 passed clients ' monies through their firm 's office account were each reprimanded and jointly and severally ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
20 FCA and FCA all of who were found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that they at Hoylake on or about 17 September 1990 passed client 's money through their firm 's office account were each reprimanded and jointly and severally ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
21 ‘ The Moltkean Revolution ’ , as it has been called , a led to the adoption everywhere in continental Europe of what were believed to be the secrets of its success — compulsory military service to provide a short-service army with a large trained reserve , and the creation of a permanent , highly-trained general staff .
22 At some stage , however , Iran secured supplies of what were believed to be Soviet , originating missiles , possibly from Syria , to which the USSR had delivered such weapons .
23 Public utilities such as electricity , gas , water and telecommunications provided the best examples of what were considered to be natural monopolies , although when technological advances are made , certain industries formerly classed as natural monopolies may cease to be so ( eg telecommunications ) .
24 Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk , who chaired the meeting , announced at a news conference that after several hours of what were reported to be stormy discussions , 20 documents had been signed , notably including an agreement defining the status of the strategic forces and stipulating that their commander was subordinate to the Council of Heads of State and to the C.-in-C. of the joint armed forces of the CIS .
25 Three fans were placed in this category on the basis of lengthy observation and in accord with what were taken to be the appropriate criteria for judging such people .
26 The timing of the election was also influenced by disarray within the opposition Liberal-National Party coalition arising from what were considered to be ill-conceived policies regarding health care and labour relations , and continuing problems within the leadership .
27 Many villages , too , kept festivals and holidays on what were reckoned to be their ‘ proper ’ days , but that habit gradually died out , only the tax year surviving from a bygone calendar .
28 We had the potent , theoretical motivator of vast unemployment in the area , and those who were working for us were considered to be the fortunate .
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