Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] i can only [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The keepers also appear to be a knowledgeable and dedicated group of people , for whom I can only express my admiration of their hard work .
2 But a Churchill of whom I can only speak with deep affection is Randolph 's son , Winston .
3 Well — I compare human life to a large Mansion of Many Apartments , two of which I can only describe , the doors of the rest being as yet shut upon me .
4 And some of it I can only get in Stowmarket anyway because it 's heavy .
5 I am sure that many must , like myself , have the feeling that the small democratic element which still exists within the governmental and constitutional framework of this country is being cast aside in favour of what I can only call a self-perpetuating oligarchy .
6 He looked at me , calmly threw his jacket into the car and then launched into what I can only describe as the most unbelievable martial arts display I have ever seen .
7 I found myself heading into what I can only describe as a ‘ ton-up ’ tide .
8 The good prospect ’ he added , ‘ could arise if , as individuals , we felt able to resist the temptation to produce when that production does no more than fill up warehouses and to resist the temptation to chase prices down with what I can only assume is the objective of preserving a small bit of market share ’ .
9 With what I can only describe as a cavalier disregard for the obligations of a good employer , the right hon. Gentleman issued a statement which said : ’ Mr. Kaufman completely disagrees with the article ’ — which , as I said , stated in every respect the Labour party 's policy , in so far as it is comprehensible , as now stated .
10 Sobbing , Pc Kelly said : ‘ The next thing I saw , he was standing holding a gun with both hands in what I can only describe as a combat position . ’
11 The next thing I saw , he was standing holding a gun with both hands in what I can only describe as a combat position . ’
12 Nevertheless , in my view , Mrs. X has been shabbily treated in what I can only call a squalid affair .
13 Even so , I understand he negotiated a substantial increase : an initiative on which I can only congratulate him .
14 But he had given patient thought to the matter , just as he had to the rest of the alien anatomy ; and he had ventured on what I can only call an abstraction of the human face .
15 The Brodskys in striking contrast go for what I can only describe as an unconventional line-up to match the photo on the cover .
16 It was also essential that he believed he was being cured , because of the need he would face soon for what I can only call ‘ self-help ’ .
17 Most of these problems are to do with the nature of conversational English , which still suffers badly from our attempts to describe it using models which originate in earlier studies of the written language , and which have been influenced by what I can only call our innate desire for things to be neat and regular .
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