Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] and [that] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Make sure your paragraphs have at least one clear line space between them and that there are consistently 1 , 2 or 3 character spaces after a full stop , a question mark and an exclamation mark .
2 Chebrikov was particularly scathing about the ‘ informal groups ’ that had been attracting public attention , warning that ‘ extremist elements ’ had worked their way into the leaderships of some of them and that they were encouraging them to engage in actions ‘ objectively against the interests of our society ’ .
3 I had heard that the lasses used to beat you up when you first got in and that the lesbians used to grab hold of you and that there was loads of violence and everything .
4 I mean they do n't honestly care two hoots about people , if they can talk about the dreadful state the , the care of old people is in and all the rest of it and that it 's going to get worse , frightening old people .
5 As soon as a police officer who is making inquiries of any person about an offence believes that a prosecution should be brought against him and that there is sufficient evidence for it to succeed , he should ask the person if he has anything further to say .
6 Mum said that as a Christian She was not going to write me a note when there was n't anything wrong with me and that I was to remember that we Christians are the light of the world .
7 I do not know whether this was associated with the fact that no one ever sought a tea meeting with me and that I was relieved of the obligation of conducting a rather spurious theological discussion on the basis of almost total ignorance .
8 ‘ I believe that someone knew you had the sack with you and that you were taking it to the outlaws . ’
9 We know , we never suggested that said that their business is going down with us and that there was no extra business there for us
10 Then , almost magically , as she realised this , something stirred inside her and that something was excitement and courage .
11 But the court rejected the submissions that , as the sole owners of the property , the defendants could not steal from themselves and that they were bound to succeed under section 2(1) ( b ) of the Act of 1968 ( appropriation in the belief that the taker would have the owner 's consent ) .
12 Th we must be able to learn from this period , particularly a partial austerity mm but these events are sound events in themselves and that we 're not just doing it for the sake of the sponsor or attracting a sponsor and that it 's not , in itself , completely necessary to have a sponsor otherwise the competition would n't exist .
13 I 'll come following you He d yeah it was odd when Frank said that cos apparently what happened , he just sort of started saying that he did n't think that Frank had really been there for him and that he was being a bit sort of selfish and stuff which I mean maybe he has been but the thing is if you know if Frank 's making this massive effort to like fit in and meet new people and stuff then
14 All those facts give the lie to the Government 's claim that they are extending educational opportunity to everyone and that they are genuinely interested in creating a classless society .
15 The bank knew that Mr. O'Brien was likely to have some influence on her and that she was likely to place some reliance on him and his business judgment .
16 During 1918 they met principally at Lord Derby 's breakfasts , from which Baldwin recorded impressions and interchanges which indicate both that the Prime Minister was a near stranger to him and that he was not above a little daring toadying .
17 But it came too late for him to do anything about it , for when he straightened up and turned towards the bank the bullet hit him in the chest and his body seemed to disintegrate and fly in all directions , and he knew that death was on him and that it was something that divided you into a million parts and each fragment screamed as it flung itself into eternity .
18 As Mr Myer had been on duty under somewhat arduous conditions for several months he decided that his nerves were playing tricks on him and that he was having hallucinations .
19 I felt very positive about it and that it was coming out the way we hoped it would .
20 She sat and held her breath , and felt that she could hear the trees growing around her and that she was part of the same quiet measured progress , in a world devoid of people .
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