Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] if [pers pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it would have been better for them if they had gone straight to hostels or agricultural training camps .
2 And they come back and see me what they taken from here and seen in other papers is a privilege for me if I 've set them off in my biased Welsh way . .
3 Next month : do n't miss our 16-page supplement on curly hair — how to look after it if you 've got it , how to get it if you have n't !
4 No children , odd sex and , as a high churchman , he 'd really have had a better image of himself if he 'd managed to keep to celibacy .
5 She could not , so his simple , adult mind reasoned , be so affectionate towards him if he had done anything very dreadful .
6 Villa boss Ron Atkinson said : ‘ In the first half , we might have made a better game of it if we had turned up .
7 I 'm not sure whether he would have taken action against me if I had realised I was already in his book .
8 Yeah you should have told me I would have bought them out with me if you 'd said .
9 well he can come with me if he 's allowed
10 ‘ I would n't ever have been so intimate with you if I had had an obligation to someone else .
11 No but yeah but the thing is Carla , be honest with you if you 'd got honours again I mean , you imagine I mean thing is I 'm happy for you for what you 've done .
12 Nenna would have felt better pleased with herself if she had resembled her elder daughter .
13 ‘ She would have taken the cat with her if she 'd done that . ’
14 I mean the you 've probably got more chance of having an audience with her if you 've got aids than if you have n't catch aids , meet the princess
15 Why had n't she stood her ground ; simply called Luke 's bluff — even pleaded with him if she 'd thought it would do any good ?
16 They may ask the husband to say how he feels , then question the wife about that answer , checking with him if she has understood his meaning in the right way .
17 ‘ You must only have been infatuated with him if you 've got over him so quickly , ’ remarked Betty repressively .
18 I might have had a word with him if I 'd caught him .
19 We 'd have got away with it if we had noticed that the polystyrene tiles had slipped out of alignment — but having shifted dozens of tanks around we made the fatal error of complacency and did n't check the underlay .
20 Maureen , 44 — who had worked at the Gateshead mill for ten years — declared : ‘ I could n't have lived with myself if I had put my name to it .
21 Honestly , I think I would have damaged something inside me if I had sat still .
22 It was the sort of look between us which would have started alert interest in me if I 'd spotted it between others , and I thought I was hear to losing my grip on what I was supposed to be doing , and that I 'd better be more careful .
23 Put that in your if you 've got all the , if you 've got all these calendars .
24 He wore a black leather coat , too young for him if he had looked his age .
25 ‘ I just show the prisoners a picture of an aborted baby and I say to them if I had done that to a baby I deserve to be here , but what I am trying to do is prevent it happening . ’
26 No a bit bigger seems to me if we 'd moved up a bit we would have had a bit more room .
27 And you 're saying to also mention to me if he 's got
28 Compensation for unfair dismissal or redundancy may be available to you if you have lost your job and fulfil the qualifying requirements .
29 Julius stood and watched her go , and wondered what else she would have said to him if she had known the complete truth ; that he had known from the very start exactly who had sent that poison pen letter to her .
30 And surely he would n't have omitted to teach it to her if he had planted her as another spy for them .
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