Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] that it [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's probably not to yourselves providing the compensation was paid and that 's fine , but it would be a matter of great importance to those for whom that it would have to provide the money .
2 She was so out of it that it would have been like making it with a corpse .
3 It had n't been much of a job after all ; he had thought at first from the sound of it that it might mean travel , but it did n't .
4 It did n't really occur to either of us that it would end , and there would be a baby .
5 But the architect had agreed with her that it would make the room much lighter and in the end Matthew had assented .
6 The thought crept into him that it would have been better if there had have been trees outside .
7 ‘ That 's not sour grapes or anything like it more a professional belief in myself that it would have been better in the long run for ME Eithne Browne and probably for Chrissie , too .
8 It is not for me to help Scottish Tories in those circumstances , but I suggest to them that it may have something to do with the way in which the Government treat Scotland in legislative terms .
9 As much of the sulphurous pungency of garlic is also eliminated through the skin , it occurred to me that it might succeed in gassing the squatters out !
10 People have just about got used to the new structure and it seems to me that it would behove us all to leave well alone .
11 The procedures look fine for the purchase of one-off and novel items , but it occurs to me that it would save time and effort if we established ‘ preferred suppliers ’ for standard PCs , printers , and peripherals , so that we do n't have to obtain multiple quotes and give reasons for supplier choice each time we order an off-the-shelf system .
12 As her eyes widened he added , ‘ Perhaps now you can understand the reason why I bought it and why it is so important to me that it should succeed ? ’
13 It just brings it home to you that it can happen anywhere , ’ said a colleague .
14 The bird got so attached to her that it would take food from between her lips .
15 Later , in England , it occurred to her that it might have been said ironically , but by then she had forgotten the context and intonation of it , could only remember that it was said under hot sun outside the Maison Carrée in Nîmes , where the air was fluent and the stones shone .
16 And Anna Freud had great difficulty in suggesting to her that it might have happened .
17 It occurred to her that it could have been Antoinette herself watching them , but she dismissed that almost at once .
18 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
19 ( It occurs to us that it may have been Durfey who sang Aeneas in the school production .
20 He found it was too large to be caused by a gravitational field : if it had been a gravitational red shift , the object would have to be so massive and so near to us that it would disturb the orbits of planets in the Solar System .
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