Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] i [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He is a man for whom I have the greatest admiration .
2 As such , the best cross section of Charlie Parker here is ‘ The Charlie Parker Story ’ , all of whose takes are from the 26/11/45 session , and for which I award the extra half star .
3 In conclusion , I make this plea to countries such as Germany — a country for which I have the highest regard : they should be cautious about promising recognition for Croatia and Slovenia by any precise date , and about breaking ranks within the European Community .
4 Almost all the proprietors of the preserved railways are members of either the Association of Independent Railways or the Association of Railway Preservation Societies , and carried more than 6 million passengers on their railways in 1989 , which is the latest year for which I have the full figures .
5 One is I pick it — for which I need the right jiggler .
6 of what I heard the previous week .
7 As a tutor I teach my students to steer well clear of what I call the 4 oz syndrome , i.e. the system we were all taught years ago .
8 However , there is a danger here of what I call the definitional fallacy , that is a tendency to seek to present the law as if everything was completely cut and dried , whereas such ‘ defences ’ may be better understood as ‘ excuses ’ the primary function of which , from a ( negative ) utilitarian point of view , is simply to minimize the amount of punishment actually imposed without jeopardizing the credibility of the general system of threat through which , arguably , criminal law realizes its prescriptive function .
9 I must admit , some of you probably were brought up on Meccano , and certainly not in the mo mo more sophisticated technology we 've got at the moment , but the point is , a lot of these have n't really seen this part of what I call the basic technology itself and er , it was interesting because we were trying to build up some kind of game for their summer fair and the game was quite obviously er , you know er propel a ping-pong into a er series of slots with er , bit like bingo to a certain extent , where you can actually er give prizes for the various holes you could actually penetrate and things like that .
10 Then behind me I heard the rhythmic tramp of marching feet and the shrill " 'eft 'ight , 'eft 'ight , " that usually went with it .
11 With me I had the two Kens .
12 The three concerned were TWW , with whom I had the closest ties , Southern Television and Granada .
13 Meanwhile Dr. Elliott Gabellah , acting President of the African National Council — with whom I had the good fortune to breakfast , morning after morning , at the Caux world assembly last August — is conferring with Presidents Kaunda and Nyerere in Zambia .
14 This is being conducted by Simon Holdaway , an ex-police officer turned academic , with whom I discussed the anthropological potential for police studies at a 1988 conference we both attended .
15 Was n't interested in sc Well I mean interest I suppose But I think what it was to start with I I missed the first term , you know after passing for the county , I missed the first term .
16 I have received with great satisfaction the loyal and dutiful expression of your thanks for the Speech with which I opened the present Session of Parliament .
17 My next film deals with what I call the private war between Africa-American males and females and it 's a romance .
18 I assure the hon. Gentleman that it is a subject in which I take the keenest interest .
19 In an autobiographical account written a couple of years later , he described himself in having been " absolutely alone , of the most painful experiences and disappointments " ; and of his first response to " Schpenhauer 's masterpiece " he wrote that " in this book , in which every line cried out renunciation , denial and resignation , I saw a mirror in which I espied the whole world , life and my mind depicted in frightful grandeur " .
20 I have just completed a randomised study of 24 patients receiving oral hypoglycaemic agents , in which I compared the glycaemic control ( as indicated by monthly assay of fructosamine ) of a group allocated to self monitoring of blood glucose and a similar group who tested their urine .
21 In the slide in which I showed the overall results it appears that about half the patients , the erm marker tumour had been eradicated and in quite a lot of patients there were tumours present .
22 The topic returns to the forefront of attention in the final chapter , in which I discuss the very possibility of the enterprise I have been engaged in for the previous fourteen .
23 Even Stella , McIllvanney 's long-suffering secretary , had taken the day off , leaving the office locked , which meant I had to walk into town to find a public telephone from which I called the Bahamian Police and told them about Hirondelle , and added that I had rescued a chart and a handful of cartridges from the stricken boat .
24 What did Freud think anxiety was in , in what I call the first psychoanalytic revolution , the first period , the eighteen nineties ?
25 From what I saw the other day , you already have a full biography of me down to the very last detail , even though you 'd missed one or two relevant facts .
26 And what I , from what I gather the bigger the household that people were in the more they enjoyed it cos the jobs were shared out more .
27 To gaze on thee I left the smoaking Pail ;
28 Just as the emergency services and the staff at Musgrave Park hospital reacted with superlative speed and dedication to allay the effects of this atrocity , so the security forces — to whom I pay the warmest of tributes — will continue with vigorous and impartial professionalism to defend the community and to bring suspected terrorists to justice .
29 Jorden v. Money can be distinguished , because there the promisor made it dear that she did not intend to be legally bound , whereas in the cases to which I refer the proper inference was that the promisor did intend to be bound .
30 Indeed , the embassy will certainly be represented at the forthcoming trials to which I think the hon. Gentleman is referring .
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