Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If both husband and wife are domiciled in the United Kingdom , any transfer of assets between them is exempt from any charge to inheritance tax ( Inheritance Tax Act 1984 , s18(1) formerly the Capital Transfer Tax Act 1984 ) .
2 These factors alone would have made for a rapid shift between free and unfree populations ; but in many parts of Europe the relation between them was complicated by local custom and legal variety .
3 In one way life for me is difficult under these circumstances because , as I said , there 's no one really that I can talk to .
4 There is some variation between its being compulsory for all students and its being only for those who need help in reading or preaching in public .
5 If all providers going into trusts and if all er purchasing gon na be done by fund holders , the majority of whom are confident at this stage they 'll become fund holders what actually is the role of the purchasing consortium that be and role of the health authorities , as such er , other than perhaps to collect statistics in the future of our time the climbing and quality of the health service in this area ?
6 A couple of camps actually , one for whites ( most of whom are brown with red spots ) and one for Indians .
7 If a landlord who owns a three-bedroom flat enters into three separate independent tenancies with three independent tenants each of whom is entitled to one bedroom and to share the common parts , then the three do not enjoy exclusive occupation of the flat jointly under the terms of their tenancies .
8 The nine verifiers , each of whom is responsible for general SVQs in a particular vocational area , met to look at issues concerning the additional assessment .
9 Leading industrialists and businessmen , many of whom were involved in foreign-owned enterprises , generally remained as politically quiescent as the traditional merchant community .
10 It was opposed by the renascent claims of the Provincial Juntas as direct representatives of the sovereign people ; by conservatives and malcontent grandees who hoped to put an end to Junta government altogether ; by the emergent power of the generals whose incipient Caesarism was represented by Palafox and Cuesta , both of whom were intriguing for political power .
11 Among other Cabinet members , most of whom were new to national politics , were Ronnie Ramlakhan at Foreign Affairs , Hans Breeveld in charge of Internal Affairs and Regional Development , Eddy Varseveld at Economic Affairs and Paul Sjak Sjie as Minister of Justice and Police .
12 There was a recurrent bleeding rate of 42% in this series , only 13% of whom were uncontrolled by conservative treatment .
13 Remarkable that out of thirty people elected last May , fifteen of them are new to this Council , a staggering seventeen percent of the Council if you do it statistically .
14 The standardizing , regularizing , authoritative properties often assigned to print as a medium ( though many of them are inherent in any writing system ) could have full social effect only if they had this broad coherence with general developments in the social and labour processes , to which , however , print was not a mere ancillary , for it was one of the forms of such development .
15 It is possible to adjust the data for the high proportion of part-time workers , by assuming that two of them are equivalent to one full-time worker .
16 Most of them are available with turbocharged engines below the 2-litre tax break .
17 Many of them are unhappy about current proposals .
18 ‘ All of them are vulnerable to coastal erosion and are being nibbled away by the sea .
19 Adherents of all of them are active in current debate , and the story is one of proliferation .
20 Much of them are unreclaimed to this day , as in Dorset , Hampshire and Surrey .
21 Rumour has it that most of them are unhedged at these levels : they did not expect the currency to rise this far .
22 This , coupled with the fact that they are also relatively low paid , means that many of them are unattractive to many of the unemployed .
23 The three of them were involved in some game of the sexes in which she had no part .
24 Most of them were darkish-brown with fine features under mops of hair in which several had stuck an ostrich feather or a wooden comb .
25 Almost all of them were familiar with some online catalogue .
26 At the elementary level of existence , many of them were desperate for basic necessities .
27 Whitmore recorded 29 types of tree around such a village in Trengganu , noting that 12 of them were identical with wild forest trees , such as the rambutan ( Nephelium lappaceum , Sapindaceae ) and the sentul ( Sandoricum koetjape , Meliaceae ) , a further six appeared to be selected and improved forms of wild trees , five were cultigens like the betel nut , and three were exotics , like the papaya ( Carica papaya , a New World cultigen ) .
28 Most of them were wrong on this one Right .
29 Both of them were frightened before this even happened . ’
30 Even so , two years later not all of them were satisfied with open adoption .
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