Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [prep] the [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I walked as in a nightmare , aware of nothing but the few yards of tarmac ahead and stopping every few yards .
2 Many people , both men and women , take up kung fu , not all of them for the same reasons .
3 There were photographs of her in the few parts she had been able to play in the years following her marriage ; photographs of her in youth , when her father had begun to launch her on the career which would be interrupted by the coming of Paul .
4 While many among the 5,933 crowd may argue against Stainrod 's claim , there was little doubt in the validity of it during the latter stages of what was a north-east affair rich in incident if not quality .
5 The Information will be used by you solely for the purpose of evaluating the possible purchase by you of the Company and , unless and until you have completed such a transaction , the Information will be kept confidential by you and will not be disclosed , in whole or in part to any other person , except that the Information or portions thereof may be disclosed to those of your directors , officers , employees , agents , auditors , lawyers , bankers and professional advisers ( collectively ‘ Representatives ’ ) who need to know such information for the purpose of evaluating the prospective acquisition ( it being understood that those Representatives will be informed of the confidential nature of the Information and shall agree to be bound by this Agreement and , if requested by ourselves , will enter into a direct agreement with us on the same terms as this Agreement ) .
6 Last night , Amaranth Wilikins had told Grunte that she had yet to make up her mind in which of the many debates she would try to speak .
7 It would be a mistake to assume that all participants in the revolt were involved in it for the same reasons .
8 She wrote to me about the many pressures on girls to worry constantly about their looks , and in particular their bodies .
9 She felt a flood of heat as he stared down at her , felt the deepening intensity of his gaze on her in the few seconds before his mouth descended slowly to take possession of her lips .
10 He was perfectly amiable to her on the few occasions when they did meet ; sometimes she even felt that he liked her .
11 Nice and easy for those of you just beginning to try your hand at intarsia and it 's not too difficult to work out the chart for yourself with the many aids available .
12 Kypov shouted at him across the few metres that separated them , and the breath spouted white from the Major 's mouth .
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