Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] 's [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Peter the Great had a particular liking for Scots , probably influenced by his mother who had been reared by a Scotswoman , and by his own guardian after his father 's death having been a General Menzies .
2 Winning Veronica 's confidence to the point where she could ask direct questions about her husband 's death looked like being a slow job , and Loretta 's bank balance would not stand many trips to establishments like the Waldorf .
3 In her primping performance as Amy Johnson in They Flew Alone ( 1942 ) , Anna Neagle is allowed to express none of the deeper motivations for her character 's decision to defy convention and take up flying , and the film never tries to make anything of its contrast between Johnson 's individualism and its concluding images of girls marching , clearly anything but individuals .
4 As their journey continued Ashley waited for her companion 's mood to lift , but Vitor remained silent and sombre .
5 Angry with her emotional dependence on her lover , she glued a dart board onto black painted wood so it became a head for her lover 's shirt pasted on below , threw the darts at the target and left him .
6 She spoke with courteous compassion of the widowed , and for her guest 's sake did not dwell on their sorrows .
7 But she did n't have a chance to look , for her mother 's hand struck like lightning across her face .
8 The 1990s provide a great opportunity for Her Majesty 's Government to demonstrate to our Community partners the validity of the new hybrid approach that the Government have pioneered .
9 The plaintiff there was claiming damages for her son 's death brought about , she alleged , by a blow from a police truncheon .
10 ‘ It took virtually the whole of my grandmother 's legacy to buy out the lease — all I 've got left is a bit to keep me going until I start to show a profit .
11 This public assertion of my childhood 's usefulness stands side by side with the painful personal knowledge , I think the knowledge of all of us , going as far back as the story lets us , that it would have been better if it had n't happened that way , had n't happened at all .
12 ‘ It 's a shocking situation , and I am spending every single minute of every single day and every last dollar of my father 's money to correct this evil . ’
13 Many of my father 's family had worked for Sir Roger , or Sir Richard before him , or his father before him .
14 It was the first meeting in nine years — for the day of my father 's funeral does n't really count .
15 Some of my aunt 's jewellery has gone missing .
16 Gardeners , some of whom had seen much of their life 's work destroyed before their very eyes , refused to be beaten by an aberration of nature .
17 Environmentalists in Czechoslovakia are becoming increasingly critical of their government 's decision to proceed unilaterally with the project .
18 TWO company directors spent at least £450,000 of their firm 's money to fund jetset lifestyles , an industrial tribunal was told yesterday .
19 Another man enjoyed sex with his wife while they were reasonably distant but after the tragedy of their daughter 's death brought them closer together he went right off it .
20 STILL BASKING in the glow of success , Wolfgang and his family took advantage of their employer 's absence to relax and enjoy the carnival festivities in Munich .
21 An editorial in the Catholic Herald and Standard on 25 May — it is distributed in Ireland as The Standard — criticized the Irish bishops ' apparently low esteem of their laity 's ability to remain constant in their marriages .
22 The extent of her stepmother 's generosity surprised her .
23 It confirms that the attitude of Her Majesty 's Government has not changed and that there is still no single body exercising administrative authority in Somalia .
24 The answers do confirm one applicable criterion , namely , whether the relevant regime is able of itself to ‘ exercise effective control of the territory of the state concerned ’ and is ‘ likely to continue to do so ; ’ and the statement as to what is to be the evidence of the attitude of Her Majesty 's Government provides another — to be inferred from the nature of the dealings , if any , that Her Majesty 's Government has with it and whether they are on a normal government to government basis .
25 The senior chief inspector and I have made the best estimate we can of the savings that can be made in the complement of Her Majesty 's inspectorate based in local offices and engaged in the inspection of schools in liaison with local education authorities .
26 The reports made by members of Her Majesty 's Inspectorate have , over the past eighteen months , regularly drawn attention to the failure of teachers to pitch their expectations high enough .
27 A STORY doing the rounds at Buck House is that one of Her Majesty 's television sets recently packed up .
28 Trollope 's witty Duchess of Omnium , Glencora , is led by the collapse of her husband 's ministry to lament : ‘ Then everything is over for me .
29 And so it came to be that the bewitching gesture of her father 's secretary walking down the golden path ( which bewitched me when I saw the woman in the swimsuit take leave of the lifeguard ) had completely gone to sleep in her .
30 Then the low defensive mumble of her father 's voice dispirited abject .
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