Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 're now sitting up in bed , waiting for their aunt to give them a kiss — and looking like little angels , ’ Julie told her , adding with a grin , ‘ which , of course , they are n't ! ’
2 He was busy , and to get rid of me lie wrote me a letter of introduction to Ahmed Ahmedi , the vice-consul at the embassy .
3 THE next leg of my journey takes me the short drive to Regensburg and from there I follow a minor road to Cham , last stop before the German-Czech border post .
4 Policemen of my generation call them the funnies . ’
5 It was part of my job to give them a crash course .
6 He could see very little , but the sound of their laughter told him a whole group of workmen had crept up on him while he was hugging the yard wall , fearful of the big Great Dane .
7 Although elderly persons , on the whole , are less geographically mobile than other age groups , the spatially selective nature of their migration gives them an important impact ( Law and Warnes 1982 ) .
8 So long as land prices and interest rates remain astronomically high , few will be in a position to buy a holding , however small , with any prospect of their capital paying them a living through genuine farming ( as opposed to exploitation or ‘ mining ’ ) .
9 Right there are two iron oxides commonly used in the blast furnace , one of which is named because of its colour Excuse me a moment .
10 The knowledge that a fat bag of coins was hidden among her stockings in the top drawer of her dresser gave her a cosy feeling of security .
11 Eleven years later the World Federation of the Deaf at the seventh Congress in Washington awarded him an International Solidarity Merit Award , and Gallaudet College , taking advantage of his presence made him the first recipient of a medallion for " outstanding international service to the deaf " , which he received at a special convention attended by the Vice-President of the United States .
12 Then the butcher goes to the church to take leave of the priest , and as a token of his gratitude sells him the sheepskin at a knock-down price of two sous .
13 Either he was smiling , or the gaunt hollows of his face gave him the daunting appearance of a smile .
14 Obviously caused by a simple technical fault , this spiriting away of his death gave him a singular nobility totally lacking from the rest of the film .
15 Nor had Ivor ; but the circumstances of his death gave him a posthumous popularity , if only to make the crime of which Georgina was accused seem fouler .
16 The IR visor of his helmet showed him the desert as if by the light of an overcast day .
17 We can assume that his scepticism extended to his belief in the efficacy of non-violence because he notes that reading Tolstoy influenced him greatly and cured him of his scepticism making him a believer again in ahi sā .
18 His predecessor but one , Hensley Henson , invented the magazine the Bishoprick and by the force of his writing made it a national and not only a diocesan journal .
19 The 24th grand prix win of his career gives him a commanding lead in the world championship .
20 " The past leaders of our movement left us a clear message to keep the land of Israel from the [ Mediterranean ] sea to the river Jordan for the generation to come " , Shamir stated .
21 She exposed the soles of her feet at the mouth of the oven … she drank gall and rubbed her eyes therewith … in her ardent desire for suffering she made herself a silver circlet in which she fixed three rows of sharp points in honour of the thirty-three years that the Son of God lived upon earth … she wore it underneath her veil to make it the more painful as these points being unequally long did not all pierce at the same time … so that with the least agitation these iron thorns tore her flesh in ninety-nine places …
22 Jacqui gurgled something incomprehensible , as Kattina 's tongue shot into her mouth to save her the embarrassment of replying .
23 He kept up the pressure with his shoulder to give himself the widest gap possible .
24 Finally he 'll decide to go and tinker with his terminal to tell him the tally to date .
25 Mayall 's mastery of technical detail and innovation optimized productivity , while the variety of mills under his control gave him the advantages of flexible specialization .
26 You may have to prove your sincerity to a judge and he may be cross enough with your behaviour to refuse you the divorce .
27 I took the pins from my hair to dry it a bit and it sprang free .
28 No , in my hand cut me a jack and give me two .
29 ‘ The fact that you are here in my office gives me the right to ask questions and demand answers , and you 're going to tell me what I want to know , Lissa . ’
30 ‘ I wish it were in my power to give you a faithful picture of this famed city of two years standing .
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