Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] [subord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 B : ‘ I am worried about my job because it looks as if we are going to be privatised soon and there may be redundancies .
2 I tried to dust the grit off my forearm where it adhered to the sweat .
3 ‘ Speaking of which , do n't you think we 'd better get this glop off my hair before it turns it green ? ’
4 I 'm gon na get a proper conditioner for my hair cos it do n't look !
5 Conditioners for my hair because it gets really dry and definitely lipstick , I have to have my red lippy .
6 BELOW RIGHT It can be considerably easier to clean up thoroughly after your pet if it relieves itself on a sandy surface , rather than on grass .
7 She was here to work , to wend her way among the clusters of people gathered around the groaning buffet tables , to smile like a wax mannequin and to stop when requested , to pirouette and offer the same answer to each question about her gown whether it dealt with size , colour , fabric , price or availability .
8 She was n't so sure about her safety when it came to other things .
9 Every second it was growing louder , and suddenly it was no longer a small wind , it was a fearsome swooshing whooshing whiffling snorting noise that sounded as though some gigantic creature was breathing heavily through its nose as it galloped towards him .
10 In the process the essay will attempt to explain why a nationalist movement did not ascend to power earlier , and the reasons for its success when it did .
11 According to Kamichika , Japan has eyes only for its technology while it continues to ignore the increasingly urgent problems posed by unbridled economic growth , such as pollution and cultural estrangement .
12 THE BBC need not worry about its future if it continues to show programmes like Arnold Wesker 's play Roots .
13 Well the only thing is that I hope that the next generation that is coming along now will appreciate what has been done for their generation because it took a long time for us to get what we wanted for our children and now with our grandchildren are coming along I hope the town will improve with their growth .
14 Rickenbacker , who incidentally celebrate their 60th anniversary this year , are not known for their impetuosity when it comes to new guitar and bass designs .
15 This was clearly necessary for their analysis since it allowed them to aggregate data over different drivers .
16 While I put my purchases on the sliding counter he kept patting the inside of my thigh until it drove me to desperation .
17 I felt the side of my head where it had hit the bus shelter ; a bruise was forming and my eye felt sore .
18 Unfortunately , I 'll probably be at the end of my life when it happens
19 An information board allowed me to keep everyone up-to-date on my progress , stimulate interest and heighten awareness of my role as it developed .
20 The wind had taken more of my energy than it saved , and without the sail , the wheelbarrow was much easier to control .
21 I do n't know what reasons brought you to me or whether they have any connection with certain events — I have my suspicions I 'll confess , but I accept it is n't any of my business unless it reaches a point where it outwardly affects me .
22 One way or another , we get to see most of their stuff before it gets Stateside .
23 When Vietnam got nasty , many bands were finally forced out of their apathy as it became apparent that things like conscription were bringing matters pretty close to home .
24 When Vietnam got nasty , many bands were finally forced out of their apathy as it became apparent that things like conscription were bringing matters pretty close to home .
25 Integrity expands and deepens the role individual citizens can play in developing the public standards of their community because it requires them to treat relations among themselves as characteristically , not just spasmodically , governed by these standards .
26 It is often divided into two lobes by an inflexion of its wall where it articulates with the pleuron .
27 Or another horse may be described as ‘ too intelligent for its own good ! ’ when in fact the horse is actually demonstrating an unwilling aspect of its temperament when it evades what is being asked of it .
28 But must a foraging hyena be conscious of the food it has not yet uncovered , or a homing salmon aware of its destination as it begins the laborious trip upstream to its natal stream to spawn ; both exemplars of goal-seeking behaviour ?
29 A liquid takes the shape of its container as it finds it own level under the influence of gravity .
30 An example of this sort of difficulty in English law is Launchbury v. Morgans in which the House of Lords declined to extend the vicarious liability of the owner of a car for negligence of its driver because it lacked information about the impact this would have on the insurance industry .
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