Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] [noun sg] was a " in BNC.

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1 Tied loosely around the strap of her shoulder bag was a navy and yellow scarf .
2 We can learn very much from Thoreau most of whose adult life was a kind of retirement .
3 The rasp of his beard stubble was a sweet pain .
4 This entrepreneur 's capture of his monopoly position was a step toward eliminating the inconsistencies between the decisions of consumers and those of the earlier resource owners .
5 For most of his career Tolkien was a most extreme example of a man with this second urge strongly developed : he was fascinated by names , to give only one example , part of whose nature is that they are for one thing and one thing alone , very hard to reduce to system !
6 The only remaining male member of our Church choir was a Vic-Wells ballet fan .
7 He told me that in my back bedroom was a sensational sports story of sex , drugs and liniment .
8 Staring back at her from her office windowsill was a ‘ dinosaurs head ’ !
9 In his day Duke was a unique champion .
10 On his wedding finger was a worn gold band .
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