Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [that] it [is] not " in BNC.

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1 I agree with you that it 's not feasible that Harley is on some kind of drug — even beta-blockers would n't help a golfer that much .
2 I agree with you that it 's not right to call your son names , and that slapping him is potentially dangerous .
3 Just take it from me that it 's not in your best interests to go hunting around for the ship . ’
4 ‘ it seems to me that it is not possible for a person in the position of the bank to exclude the discretion of the court , but one nevertheless starts from the position that the contractual position between the parties is that the costs will be paid on an indemnity basis .
5 In that respect it seems to me that it is not something that is necessary to come through the full procedure of the council in order for you to do and I I thought that would would deal er establish .
6 I would also I think put in a word for the work of the joint po policy panel erm which is shared between this committee and the social services committee because it seems to me that it is not for us to be thinking that there is a group of children for who nursery education is necessary er or desirable and a different group of children for whom something else erm is necessary and desirable , largely because of their parents ' position .
7 They welcomed Nottingham to the Recreation Ground and stuck 50 points on them , an ominous warning to everyone that it 's not just World Cup teams who can set new standards .
8 They deal with the dignitaries in the politest possible way , but it is clear to everyone that it is not the dignitaries they have come to see and talk to , but the ordinary people .
9 Erm , I think we ought to make it very clear again , that we can now trace calls , and er , I hope the press are noting that and making as much as they can of it , because that 's the sort of thing that helps to remove malicious calls , which go which cost a lot of money , and a lot of time , and also put somebody else 's life in danger when an appliance has been called out to something that it 's not required for .
10 I take my hon. Friend 's point , but I must say to him that it is not a matter for me .
11 I like us to think for a little while this morning just what it means to be a Christian , we 've been hearing and seeing and been challenged and accepting Christ as our saviour and over the week in Harlow a number made that response and not only in Harlow and in Earls Court but right across the country and into Europe and into Africa as well , through the , through the life link , men and women who have been challenged into accepting Jesus Christ as their saviour and I 'd like us to think for a little while this morning just what it means to be a Christian now obviously as we perhaps know er , and , and , and God work clearly shows to us that it is not in being religion , somebody well said that religion is man 's attempt to find God but the gospel is God 's method of seeking out and finding men and so just as the same as you 've seen that bridge of life illustration and we try with our planks to get across to God we ca n't make it ,
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