Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [subord] he [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was recorded by a convict who was on the island at the time that ‘ the Governor had the goodwill and respect of everyone for he always conducted himself as a Christian and a gentlemen . ’
2 I was n't at all sure I was doing the right thing but I got up and started towards him as he finally got the clip to slide into the gun and snick home .
3 The reader feels sympathetic towards him as he always had the burden of Lennie on his back , Lennie , who always said ,
4 Then , taking a deep breath , he began to talk , the words tumbling out of him as he finally admitted the truth .
5 Gabriel went back to her table , conscious that Cat had been listening , but probably could n't make more of it than he already knew .
6 When he reached it he stood off even further and almost landed on top of it though he never felt like falling .
7 And Uncle Pumblechook , thinking of us as he always does , suggested this boy .
8 Her hand throbbed beneath his where he still trapped it on the table .
9 He took a rather deep breath , got to his feet , and did n't sound quite like himself when he finally spoke .
10 Emotionally dazed and confused , she leaned weakly against his hard , muscular body , only the support of his strong tanned arms preventing her trembling legs from giving way beneath her as he swiftly removed the lower half of her bikini .
11 She was getting very near him when he suddenly turned a corner .
12 Shiona writhed against him as he simply held her tighter .
13 ‘ I floored the car into reverse and dragged him with me until he finally got smart and let go .
14 She had thought he would wipe the floor with her if he ever learned of her deception .
15 A cup of coffee in bed for Beth — he always brings her one and fears it would all be over with her if he ever stopped .
16 He says it was very exciting to work with her because he never knew what she was going to do from one take to another .
17 His last customer took the smile with him as he unwillingly left the warm room and limped back with chattering teeth to the unwelcoming flat at the top of the stone stairs .
18 Thus confidential data can be stored on such a disk and the user of this data can physically remove it , even take it home with him if he so desires , thereby ensuring that the information can not be seen by any unauthorised persons This control over sensitive data coupled with the fact that the computer is personal to one user at a time gives the operator a greater sense of confidence in , and control over , the machine he is using .
19 ) How many samples did Paul take on the road with him when he originally went out to sell his guitar design across America ?
20 He looked like a Fred to me , being short , shaggy , pimply and with a big nose , and we were all delighted when he was on night duty with us because he then got the job of hauling the heavy haybox into the building and ladling out large dollops of this unidentifiable meal onto our plates .
21 A celebrity or entrepreneur will have a surprise party packed with friends , family and old acquaintances thrust upon him when he least expects it .
22 ‘ They 'd get short shrift from him if he once laid hands on them .
23 The reduction of the other to means and of his own ends to survival , itself no more than a means without ends left to serve , would be tolerable , if at all , only because the variety of human ends will open up again for him if he ever gets to shore .
24 Leith assured him quickly , and felt dreadfully sorry for him when he clearly sought crumbs of comfort .
25 I hope they 'll pay the rent for him when he eventually finds himself out on his ear . ’
26 However , it did not appear to hold any particular significance for him because he merely said , ‘ The name is Silas , Lucy . ’
27 I try even harder not to think about what he might do to me if he ever got the chance .
28 I called him as usual , and he answered with his usual whinny but made no effort to come to me as he normally did .
29 ‘ And Hugo will come back to me because he always does , ’ she said , ‘ when the guilt gets too much .
30 Marcus Felstead whistled a Christmas medley to himself as he carefully packed his suitcase .
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