Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [be] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How had his wife managed to spot it when she , too , he could have sworn , had kept her eyes off them was a puzzle to the Colonel who tended to the view of Woman as Eternal Enigma .
2 However , they also argue that only a vote for them is a vote for the Union .
3 Soul for them was a form of exertion ; performance that Barney Hoskyns called ( in reference to The Jam , as it happens ) ‘ a gymnasium of exhortation ’ .
4 Any dialogue between them is a step in the right direction . ’
5 One of the great culinary joys for me is a bowl of aïoli — the golden garlic mayonnaise so thick you can cut it with a knife — with a plate of crunchy baby vegetables scrubbed and served just as they are .
6 The ‘ need ’ for large numbers of very old people to be cared for , because they are unable fully to look after themselves is a phenomenon of the later part of the twentieth century , when the age structure of the population has shifted to give high proportions of older people , at the same time as advances in medical care have enabled many more people to survive into very old age , despite infirmities .
7 Another argument for its being a liability of the current year is that employees are normally entitled to redundancy pay under the law .
8 The only job the words ‘ I feel ’ have , in a report of one 's bodily sensations , is to prepare the hearer for its being a report about one 's body qua sensitive and not about one 's body qua sensible .
9 ( 7 ) ) , the maximum penalty for which is a fine of level 1 ( Sched. 5 ) .
10 One of my greatest frustrations is having to tell my electors , in correspondence and personally , that there is nothing I can do about a proposal because a decision has already been taken somewhere else — albeit by ministers , one of whom is a Member of the House — that there is nothing that anyone can do because the decision has been taken outside these shores , so there is no point in writing to me .
11 Below them was a collection of boots and shoes , gardening tools , cardboard boxes , books , cooking utensils , spare vehicle pars and horse leathers .
12 The other manufacturers are trying to do the same but I think some of them are a bit behind Rover and they 've got to catch up .
13 She said , I mean , she says I 'm not prejudiced here , and she says there 's obvious exceptions and they 're not bad but the majority of them are a waste of time !
14 Or disappear forever wiped out by some killer bug and all that will be left of them is a film in which they 're playing their own ancestors ?
15 Underlying all of them is a form of thinking which might be called the ‘ urge to quantify ’ .
16 One of them is a vice-president of CND .
17 One of them is a teacher of deaf children at St Mary 's and she loved the old schoolroom at the museum and told me that her class were doing a project on Northern Ireland and she must bring them here to see it all .
18 At the heart of both of them is a witness to the vital relationship between the historical reality of the Incarnation and a way of living by which man may engage with the spiritual reality it manifested and thus extend it in time .
19 Christie 's braced themselves for the golf fanatics for their 19 February sale , which featured three paintings by Sir John Lavery , one of them being a vista of the famous Golf Links , North Berwick ( est. $60–80,000 ) , which sold to London dealer Titus Kendall for $110,000 ( £63,200 ) .
20 On one side of them was a sprawl of turquoise cabbages , frilly and tight-waisted , ready to bolt .
21 ‘ One of them was a relative of yours , ’ Frau Nordern said .
22 To the left of them was a complex of nets and cages in which the leopards , lions , cheetahs and tigers lived .
23 One of them was a student of military uniforms .
24 If any member of the council or any nominee of his is a member of a company or other body with which the contract is made or is proposed to be made , or is a partner , or is in the employment of a person with whom the contract is made , he has an indirect pecuniary interest which he should disclose .
25 Whether they were great friends of his was a matter of conjecture .
26 I think my transsexual obsession must have triggered puberty when I could not reconcile the fact of my being a girl with my intense crushes on other girls .
27 There is limited parking at Belle Vue ( SE343197 ) beside the Calder & Hebble Navigation ( April 84 guide ) which ends at Fall Ing Lock , below which are a flight of steps down to a convenient platform .
28 In part this is a consequence of differences in the habitual requirements of different species ; more than 82 per cent of the individuals belong to species whose larvae prey on aphids , whereas only 0–02 per cent belong to species that feed as larvae on tree sap or rotting wood , neither of which are a feature of gardens .
29 The theory of differential equations , as usually taught , is a rag-bag of special tricks , many of which are a waste of time and are included only because they can be calculated without having to think about what 's really going on .
30 And you eat in what is called messes so that you eat in a mess of four and the server comes in and puts a plate of it might be venison and a plate of which is a kind of erm corn and er in front of you .
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