Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [conj] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 It bounced and rolled between them and lay in the shadow of the chair .
2 ‘ … we were both pulling in opposite directions , and I felt Brian was siding with his mother rather than standing up for me or remaining in the middle .
3 He turned his head slightly towards me and spoke in the direction of my tie .
4 The archaeologist ran in front of them and stood in the middle of the road .
5 Much useful research can originate from the idea that just turns up , the hunch or the observation of something that happens in the street which triggers off a line of thought .
6 I can not bear to think of her as laid in the dark grave . ’
7 Erm I was n't , I did n't know what you were trying to get at when you were bringing up the miles per annum that he was doing , I can understand the flying side of it but driving in the car , yes you need to know that he 's doing a lot of miles and that there 's , you know , the there 's the potential danger and everything there but I did n't understand why you need his specific miles per annum .
8 Three thousand miles away in North Hollywood , in November , the man closes the door behind him and stands in the foyer taking off his hat .
9 But my dogs have always , much rather come shopping with me and sit in the , .
10 All the children who were living far away , they brought a sandwich and a flask with them and eating in the desk in the classroom .
11 You have the choice of either trying to minimise the effect or going with it and rejoicing in the exotic feel of a semi-desert in your back yard .
12 At one time we would have to hire a man in for a month , eating with us but sleeping in the barn .
13 His journals , which he has published at regular intervals ( the fourteenth volume appeared recently in France ) bear witness to the enormous interest he takes in everything that happens in the world outside him , and to a human being scornful of bourgeois conformity , almost an anarchist , and a convinced pacifist .
14 Hurrying under cover of darkness up to Roscarrock Hall where a real priest was visiting from Ireland or Spain , they whispered their confessions to him , received absolution from him and knelt in the Roscarrock family chapel to hear a proper Latin Mass and to receive in their mouths the living sacrifice , the Body of Christ .
15 Golden motes drifted from it and hung in the air .
16 It is so different from anything that happens in the islands today .
17 The giant nanny had unlocked the door for him but kept in the background and gave me no sign of recognition .
18 Bodie got out of the car and strolled past the two men , standing quite close to them and browsing in the window of the shop before which they stood .
19 Woolley turned his back on them and sat in the middle of the cloth .
20 Boglins — Various , from small , £1 , to one that glows in the dark , £30 .
21 John was unlike anyone Anne knew with his views on everything that happened in the world .
22 Proof of debt forms must be sent out by the official receiver or trustee to every creditor who is known to him or identified in the statement of affairs ( r 6.97 ) .
23 Similarly , in the spring of 1940 , he assured the French Head of State , Marshal Pétain , that Spain would remain neutral , while he also assured Ciano that although Spain was materially unable to participate in the war , he was not indifferent to it and believed in the victory of the Axis .
24 Her forehead had small beads of sweat on it that glistened in the lamp light .
25 If anyone has mislaid their gift envelope , please use an ordinary one and just put your name and Birthday Scheme on it and place in the offering bag .
26 It is a sensitive area , well placed for keeping an eye on anything that happens in the Thames , and , seaward , in the North Sea .
27 For example , on high policy common opinion said that there was nothing for it but to stay in the ERM .
28 People smiled at me and sang in the streets .
29 Employed in a maisonette in a London suburb , she ate by herself and slept in the junk room , enduring agonies of loneliness and misery .
30 ‘ Where a mercantile agent is , with the consent of the owner , in possession of goods or of the documents of title to goods , any sale , pledge or other disposition of the goods , made by him when acting in the ordinary course of business of a mercantile agent , shall , subject to the provisions of this Act be as valid as if he were expressly authorised by the owner of the goods to make the same ; provided that the person taking under the disposition takes in good faith , and has not at the time of the disposition notice that the person making the disposition has not authority to make the same . ’
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