Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pron] [verb] be in " in BNC.

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1 Yes , he has said that and I am saying , I am saying , as somebody who has been in the front line against this violence , and with due respect to Mr Major knows a little more about it than he does
2 At all stages in the development of armory , and in all the centuries during which it has been in use , there have been two conflicting underlying factors , and it is important that the local historian be aware of them from the outset , so that if false trails are followed they are not followed for long .
3 Since the total grain harvest proved to be a mere 52 per cent of what it had been in 1913 , even the least affected areas had barely enough .
4 The level of truck loadings for 1922 was under one-third of what it had been in 1913 , although there was a vast improvement towards the end of the year .
5 Well you 've just you 've just er allow you 've just said something that allows me er to bring in er the way in which we approach advertising sales er Robert because er all of us who 've been in tra traditional sales , and I 'm I 'm just er that was my background as well er in addition to recruitment , er we are not used to giving everything over the phone before we go to see the people .
6 A book with a title like this has to be full of choice bits of information that confirm what most of us who have been in the Services have always known — that high-ranking officers can do the daftest things .
7 But as we said earlier that some of us who have been in the truth for a long time we were like that years ago , but somewhere along the line we 've become drowsy and a little sort of halfhearted and maybe dozing a little bit as we go down that sort of motorway er of spirituality and that , that the longer you go it can become more difficult because other things come along do n't they ?
8 I hope that Mr. Vance , with whom we have been in touch in the past 24 hours , will feel able in the light of his further explorations to suggest to the Security Council that a peace-keeping force should be sent .
9 But it is the language of the statement and the comments attributed to Edwards that are likely to cause further friction between him and both local climbers — with whom he has been in conflict in the past — and the BMC .
10 Tagalog concepts are directly relevant to the present discussion because the Buid with whom I lived are in daily contact with Tagalog speaking immigrants from neighbouring islands .
11 In alluding to Ronald Duncan and The Criterion , he was referring to a proposal by Duncan — with whom I had been in correspondence , though I did not meet him until after the war — that I should write for The Townsman ( a magazine which he edited from an ancient mill situated in a valley on the Devon/Cornish border , where I was later to live and write about ) , an article analysing the reasons why The Criterion , after flourishing for seventeen years , had so suddenly come to an end .
12 Er as well as applying for er vacancies that appear in newspapers as well as er registering myself with er agencies with whom I 've been in contact
13 I have come to the House this afternoon from a meeting with a representative of the Canadian High Commission , with which we have been in constant touch from the outset of the incident .
14 Now I would say to sa say that that is almost a bit like the story of the boy crying that he did n't have many holidays because he did n't go to school and that because Harrogate 's er unemployment is so low or has been historically so low compared with other areas , a relatively small increase in the number of unemployment has an enormous increase as compared with what it 's been in the past and so the same number of people living in Harrogate who lose their jobs has an impact on the unemployment figures as perceived locally greater than a similar number of people losing their jobs in Leeds or Selby or somewhere else , and so I think to some extent this the rhetoric has outrun the reality on that point .
15 Their courage in entering into the conflict and their presence of mind in circumstances in which they have been in enormous danger are a great tribute to the individuals themselves and to the institution that sent them .
16 I think that we should accept th that this island in which we live is in effect becoming smaller day-by-day , as it is becoming more and more open er we should accept that its population is becoming perhaps with the assistance of a little advice from myself from time-to-time , rather more mobile than it used to be and I must say that we should I think all accept and I 'm sure we do that criminals do not have any particular respect for local authority boundaries er indeed the existence of the motorway system er despite the M25 does encourage mobility of crime and criminals to a very great extent .
17 Neither of those points is true after the years in which we have been in office .
18 The England in which he arrived was in a peculiar condition , being neither the Brideshead cocktail party of their Ivy League fancies , nor the go-go hotspot of mini-skirted hairdressers pictured on the front of American news weeklies .
19 It also believes that planning can ensure that new buildings are designed in a way which it likes , and has an ability to prevent anything , however small , happening near its own house which reduces its value or interferes with the way in which it has been in the habit of using it .
20 The world from which I come is in crisis .
21 It was just that at the moment of climax when the escape had to be attempted or abandoned , it became if attempted something quite different from what it had been in the planning .
22 To anyone who has been in the Army or detained at Her Majesty 's pleasure , or even attended a public school ( and there are a disturbing number who have managed all three ) , the dining room at Plas y Benenin is a familiar place .
23 I knew it could n't be restored to what it had been in the old days , but there was still room for a club where members had fun rather than did business .
24 But we not regimented in this department we 're flexible that 's why these things are happening cos we turn our hands to whatever we believe is in the interests of the company .
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