Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adj] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That would be a substantial problem for everyone concerned with the north of Ireland .
2 He had an alley mate , the man on the next machine , who pulled the levers for both of them at one end while William 's grandad pulled for them both at the other .
3 Of all Christians , those of the Orthodox family have remained the most conservative , Their cultural roots go back to the Byzantine Empire and there has been no event for them comparable to the Reformation or Vatican II .
4 Any search for someone aggressive in the container business — apart from Sherwood — was bound to lead to Tiphook .
5 England mourns for her dead across the sea ,
6 1 Why did all the children laugh at Julie on the first day she went to her new school ? 2 How do you think Julie felt that day ? 3 Did you feel sorry for her then ? 4 Did you feel sorry for her later in the story ? 5 When Julie was left tied to the lamp post was it fair , unfair , cruel … or what ? 6 Whose fault was it that Julie and Bee stopped seeing each other ? 7 Why did Julie get hurts and what effect did it have on Bee ? 8 What were your feelings at the end ?
7 ‘ Andy wrote one song in four years and Hazel was halfway through her first of the year .
8 Civil society is at the centre of this web of inter-relationships , comprising : the sphere of circulation , in which people and groups contest in the ‘ market place ’ ; the sphere of reproduction , in which social groups — classes-in-struggle compete to promote their economic , biological and political reproduction ; and the popular democratic forces , through which much of the struggle within civil society is organised .
9 In a sense , the patrolling constable blended in as part of this hidden social group , of whom most of the city 's population were largely ignorant .
10 ‘ We look forward to the commitment and co-operation of everyone involved in the system . ’
11 Health professionals need to move beyond the traditional view of adoption as the province of social workers and recognise their responsibility to promote the wellbeing of everyone involved in the adoption process .
12 The union , and that means the general committee elected by the club as well as the professional staff appointed by the committee , are working for the benefit of everyone involved in the game in Wales .
13 the name and address of everyone resident in the property who will be 18 or over on or before 1st April 1990 .
14 So now he had in all 10,025.07 votes , 1,118.07 of them surplus to the quota .
15 Now , meantime , until this happy state of affairs has been reached and we can devolve these responsibilities , we continue to support individual artists directly ourselves , through a variety of schemes , all of which I like to think relate to making more of them accessible to the public .
16 The members of each set are distinguished one from another by what are fairly well known , the different theories of the nature of probability , all of them consistent with the Probability Calculus .
17 It was claimed that soldiers on a British training exercise had been caught by a fearsome ‘ flame weapon ’ which had burned dozens of them alive at the water 's edge .
18 The three front men appear to have worked out a rota so that when one of them tired of the constant leaping about he can take a breather while the other two step in and compensate with eye-catching leaps of their own .
19 Wales have made five changes one of them positional from the side which beat Namibia 38–23 at the weekend .
20 Official human rights sources in the country reported 228 " extrajudicial executions " and 45 disappearances in 1991 , two-thirds of them attributable to the security forces and civil patrols .
21 However , these occasional tensions had been kept private until Robert and Samuel Wilberforce chose to make some of them public in the life of their father they published in 1838 .
22 At least 2,000 died in Badajoz alone , most of them machine-gunned in the bullring ; thousands more perished at the hands of the Legionaries , the Moors or the right-wing militias in other towns and villages of Andalusia and Extremadura .
23 Every St Kildan family owned a number of cleits and they were scattered all over the island , many of them convenient to the bird cliffs because ‘ fresh ’ birds were much heavier than those that had dried out , and everything had to be carried back to the village eventually .
24 In the war , the Party had , in fact , to take on a number of new tasks , some of them important in the context of social welfare and organization , though not necessarily guaranteed to increase the popularity of the local functionaries .
25 Neither of them knew her well , but they would recognise her as the secretary of someone important in the administration .
26 There is always a closed circle of suspects ( so there can be no question of someone unconnected with the setting coming in from outside and doing the deed , as might well happen in " real life " ) and each of these suspects has to have a credible motive as well as reasonable opportunity of committing the crime and reasonable access to the means with which it was committed .
27 I suppose that 's why you were suddenly in favour of my investing in the Rose Bowl .
28 If he was n't so attractive himself , ’ she continued , echoing some old thoughts of my own on the subject , ‘ who 'd give a damn ?
29 We never came to any agreement , but I can say for my part that I developed fairly firm ideas of my own on the matter during the course of such discussions , and they are by and large the beliefs I still hold today .
30 The motto of the founders of the Association was ‘ to give of their best for the good of all ’ .
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