Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The government has also failed in its responsibility for the Health and Sa Safety Executive by restricting year after year adequate resources for them to carry out the function that they were designed for .
2 you know , below the shadow of both the next two properties , we shall , we shall , you know , just have a brick wall , and if they they just shifted the garage to one end and as far as I 'm concerned it 's an excuse for them to put up the power , that is ,
3 Grandmothers were an integral part of life and so , when the mass emigrations began , it seemed perfectly right and natural for them to take over the running of the families left behind .
4 And they watched from the sidelines as Mr and Mrs Grierson between them brought up the baby , Carla .
5 So they sent in four coachmen who stood with whips extended between them to hold back the mob .
6 But it sits long enough for me to point out the difference between the two species .
7 I found this sweet little man who fixed up a non-reflex 35 for me slowed down the motor wind so it would n't make a sound fixed in a timer to take a shot every thirty seconds .
8 Next thing Pa was lunging past me to switch off the machine .
9 I mean that there 's half of them go down the dock now , they do n't do anything .
10 This could help to give substance to what is meant by the spiritual dimension , for both of them lived out the kind of character expressed in the middle column of Table 6.1 .
11 I stood transfixed as two of them shot down the Glacier des Grands Montets carving beautiful turns all the way down beneath the north face of the Drus .
12 Three girls came into the line of fire , each wearing a student nurse 's uniform , walking quickly , but gossiping as they went , and laughing , their heads constantly turning to whichever of them took up the conversation .
13 They were jumping up and putting their paws up so they I went up back upstairs and they sk tried to skid up but they were going so quickly that one of them went down the step again .
14 Four or five of them broke down the door of the Admiral Benbow and ran inside .
15 One of them switched on the light , her finger tips painted with a silvery pearl , and the other switched it off with an animal claw .
16 When filling small cracks , I 've found that I get a smooth finish , which requires little or no sanding , of I roll over the crack with a paint roller a few times , while the filler is still damp . , .
17 She plugged and unplugged that cross-wired old switchboard with the ease of someone switching on the radio .
18 ‘ And I suppose that was the first you knew of my taking over the part ? ’
19 Stoutstroke dipped and bit and sliced and dug , building a huge triple-deck dam , the main section of which backed up the water in the North Burn for eighty paces ; not far off the record for the position I had chosen .
20 was done in the time of which set up the Republic of Ireland , get the I R A to declare a truce and talk to them and I think
21 Our link up with adidas has certainly provided a boost to membership , with many of you taking up the option to join and receive a free headband or wristband for their trouble .
22 ‘ It was clever of you to work out the connection with Jim Lancaster , ma'am . ’
23 ‘ Pool could n't make a copy of itself to send down the cable : it did n't have anything like enough data storage space .
24 McAllister , happily unaware of who made up the party , watched these inhabitants of the world in which she had lived since she was eight years old stare and chatter as they made their way through the doorway , Mr Sands bowing and scraping at them as befitted a poor relation to whom they were doing a favour , the rest of the bazaar 's patrons staring at these strange beings , male and female , as though they were visitors from another planet , perhaps one described by Mr H. G. Wells .
25 And he had got a pile of something put on the ground from the er , at your park .
26 He 'd got chilled to the marrow last night and he needed a drop of something to keep out the cold . ’
27 And we , it 's really funny because of we started off the evening talking about leg waxing .
28 The shame of watching a video of herself wobbling up the aisle at 16st 4lb had Amanda in tears .
29 ‘ It was childish of her to rip up the picture , ’ says Nuala O'Connor .
30 The sight of him hanging on the Cross — are we really supposed to worship that , defeat and death ?
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