Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] of [art] same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Academically there was n't anything to shout from the ceilings , in fact I do n't think that he found the work easy , but there was a dedication there that some of his contemporaries of the same ability could have used .
2 Her case for the defence is notably restrained , unlike her treatment of the same subject in Dickon , a play published posthumously in 1953 .
3 The NRPB favours a survey which includes comparison of the servicemen with their compatriots of the same age serving elsewhere .
4 Of no mean magnetism himself — Lawrence thought highly enough of him to make him the recipient of some of his most excruciating introspections — Curtis was the inspirational force of that curious organization , the Round Table , in whose journal of the same name Lawrence published his article on the new imperialism in the Middle East .
5 The book , as we gather from a plan in his notebooks of the same period , was to deal with four large areas : ethics ; aesthetics ; religion and mythology ; and politics , law and education .
6 In comparison to their parent of the same sex , those who responded to the questionnaire were more likely to be engaged in non-manual occupations ( difference 4.2% to 28% for men and 2.7% to 28.7% for women ) .
7 For example , there was an oil smear on his jacket of the same type as that he used in his car .
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