Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] so [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 According to sources that could n't be revealed , the Paradise Corporation had pretended that Sir Charles Dobson was alive for ten days after his death so that the leadership of the company could be handed over without shaking public confidence .
2 When the slow-moving potto is approached by an enemy , it curls up into a tight ball , clings on to its branch and lowers its head between its legs so that the back of its spiky neck is thrust towards the predator .
3 Each of the catechists must be in touch with their own life experience , and in particular the helper catechists need to know something of the life history of their friends so that a real historical event can be shared when it comes to the time for each one to share parts of their personal story — for that is where God speaks to each one of us .
4 If a barracuda approaches , those on the outer margin of the shoal dart inwards , taking refuge among the silvery bodies of their companions so that the whole shoal bunches .
5 When they stepped into the street the damp warmth hit her in the face and the heat of the pavements struck through the thin soles of her shoes so that every step of the way was like treading on hot cinders .
6 In two strides the Trunchbull was beside him , and by some amazing gymnastic trick , it may have been judo or karate , she flipped the back of Wilfred 's legs with one of her feet so that the boy shot up off the ground and turned a somersault in the air .
7 To keep herself from sleep she suspended herself ingeniously upon a large cross which hung in her room … and should this fail she attached her hair [ the one lock she had not shaved off to the nail in the feet of her Christ so that the least relaxation would inflict terrible suffering on her …
8 The chain was long , too long , and Debbie had unbuttoned the two top buttons of her blouse so that the stone would n't be hidden .
9 Jess kicked out , catching the handle of his tankard so that a puddle of porter slopped on to the counter .
10 You can also make an appointment with the librarian or one of his staff so that the classification system can be explained to you together with any skills involved in scanning the microfiche for details of authors , articles and sources .
11 But no matter whether the ballet lasts one , two or three acts the choreographer must be fully in control of his material so that every detail of the characterisation of the whole cast is appropriate to the general atmosphere and environment within which the plot unfolds .
12 With all the airspace restrictions in operation it is most important to keep track of your location so that the glider does not inadvertently stray into controlled airspace or other restricted areas .
13 Once you have eliminated superfluous items in this way , you can prioritize the rest of your storage so that the most useful items come most readily to hand .
14 And that 's those dimples are the bottom are on the bottom bit of your spine so if the dimples are n't level it means that bit of your back is slightly
15 To do so will not , of course , make any of the problems go away ; what it will do , however , is to shift the emphasis of our work so that the problems no longer undermine its effectiveness , indeed they become part of the raw material of our work .
16 The older Colonel beamed about him and Hope tried to execute yet another manoeuvre with Miss D'Arcy — to get her to conspire ( silently of course and with the finest subtlety ) with him against her guardian so that the two of them could be saying ‘ what a dear old gentleman he is ’ and use this to draw closer together .
17 Magee leant forward and touched the man 's shoulder , simultaneously pushing the knife gently up beneath his chin so that the point was just touching flesh .
18 Raise the camcorder and rest it against your face so that the viewfinder eyecup is just in contact and the finder picture can be clearly seen .
19 My girlfriend had put her handbag between her feet under her chair so that no one could pinch it .
20 The female kicks with her legs so that the pair soar upwards in an elegant slow somersault .
21 As more farms , some extending right to the water 's edge , grow up around Chesapeake , spring and summer rains dump new sediment into its waters so that the trophic zone is reduced : bottom-growing plants are now able to photosynthesise only in shallow water .
22 Market orientated schools barter with their customers so that the maximum support , time and interest is exchanged and developed .
23 The knight had to swerve at the last moment to avoid a head-on collision with his opponent , but at the same time he had to couch his lance to his side as tightly as possible with his hand and under his arm so that the lance blow was struck with all the weight and momentum of his horse behind it , for if in swerving aside he moved his hand or used his arm to thrust at his opponent then a blow delivered in this manner would have no effect whatever .
24 Adjust the angle with your wrists so that a small movement will cause the rods to cross .
25 Please write , phone or talk to me with your ideas so that a mutual exchange can benefit all teachers .
26 They still do , but I 've learnt now to keep them in my lap so that the sweat coming off the hands soaks into the trousers .
27 And I will do whatever you ask for in my name so that the Father 's glory will be shown through the son .
28 Your initial design brief might also allow for the fact that many plastic boxes ( for example ) incorporate mounting bushes in their bases so that the p.c.b .
29 When the Dauphine had just given birth ( in front of numerous ambassadors , foreign princes and courtiers ) , a sheep was skinned alive in her bedroom so that the exhausted mother could be wrapped in its fleece .
30 Once it has found a nipple , the tip swells in its mouth so that the young is not able to let go even if it wanted to .
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