Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] but [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 erm we 'll put a notice up or something erm around the exam period and let you know when we we will go out and we 'll try sneak a few beers in after your exams but before the start of the second semester so erm
2 He is suspicious about their motives but with an over-time ban on at Sun Hill nick , are there enough officers on duty to prevent more violence ?
3 As the purpose of teaching is to produce a planned change in students , it is essential that those whose responsibility it is to produce the change should be clear not only about their intentions but about the assumptions on which those intentions are based .
4 Which , Dorothea had often thought , they probably were , and really , she had half-envied Alida , not for her independence but for the responsibility she had , and for the pride and satisfaction she was entitled to feel in her work .
5 She was looking after her father in his old age as she had always said she would , but instead of satisfaction she felt only guilt — guilt at her own impatience when he behaved not as her father but like a disobedient child .
6 A child in a Hindu family is generally an object of love and joy not only for its parents but for every member of the family .
7 After lunch ( not included ) visit the Medieval town of Gouda , famous for its cheese but with a lot more to discover such as St. Jans Kerk which contains over half of Holland 's antique stained-glass windows , the Gothic City Hall dating back to 1430 and a collection of fascinating museums .
8 They wished to be ‘ good socialists ’ , working hard for their country but without the burden of excessive , leftist political campaigns .
9 Schools should be seen as a valuable resource , not just for their pupils but for the communities around them .
10 My uncle in the evening had read aloud something where the line was quoted The child is father to the man and these words insinuated themselves not into the stony ground and thistles of my mind but into the dark rich soil that brings forth a hundred fold .
11 It was the logic of their medium ( the camera filmed what it saw ) and the need for stories that led producers to film aspects of their times but in the movies themselves the supremacy of fiction relegated society to a background .
12 R. primula from Turkestan ( 6ft — 1.8m — tall with small yellow flowers and fern-like foliage ) , and R. rubiginosa from central and eastern Europe ( an 8ft — 2.4m — thicket smothered with single pink flowers and , later , with red hips ) , are both noted for the scent not of their flowers but of the foliage .
13 The demand which grew up amongst Congregationalists and , to a lesser degree , Baptists was not for a radical shift in the nature of their worship but for the external embellishment of traditional worship : flowers , organs and stained glass , but not chants , Holy Tables and liturgical seasons .
14 The main significance of the circle lay not in the views of its members but in the viciousness of the government 's response to them .
15 Her father 's death was the great wound not just of her childhood but of the rest of her life .
16 She had never been very obedient in other areas of her life but in the tube she was a child again , learning , wary , and without that presence which had always been there in her childhood .
17 I often sleep in my coat , ’ he backed away from her , all the way towards the door ; then on the landing , and for no reason that he could give to himself , he turned and ran not towards his bedroom but across the landing , over the gallery , down the stairs , through the hall to the front door .
18 First he feels what he calls heat which seems to be associated with creativity : " an unusually pleasant heat … from none of his creatures but from the Creator himself " .
19 It will be an achievement to confirm Carrick 's standing in Yorkshire cricket , everlasting statistical proof not only of his ability but of the indestructible qualities which have been needed to survive a period tragically disrupted by internal conflict .
20 At first glance , it seems hardly necessary to make another film about Van Gogh ; but Maurice Pialat , who began his career in the late 1960s , has found a new approach by showing the artist not as a great figure of his times but as a tormented , talented painter living in a village among ordinary folk .
21 EMBUREY is back in the England fold , on top of his game but on the bottom shelf at the bank .
22 As maltsters we must not only be aware of our sales but of the customers themselves — here in Scotland we are waiting for the upturn .
23 As to posture , the baby 's arms lie flat against its sides but with the hands meeting at the groin , similar to the Cornwall painting at Burford , Salop ; its face is wreathed in a supercilious smile .
24 The peasants ' " redemption dues " were calculated not on the basis of the land which came into their possession but on the basis of the rents and services that they owed under serfdom .
25 She could do it — not with her fists but with the techniques learned in martial arts .
26 He lashed out with his hand but to no effect .
27 We can not , of course , look into his soul but on the basis of his ascertainable behaviour he grew up to be a conventionally pious man .
28 Her charms increased every day , not only in my eye but in the eyes of all who beheld her , for my mother took the greatest delight in her waiting maid .
29 At first , her face burned and she was often defeated in her purpose but within a few weeks she was indistinguishable from the seasoned bargainers .
30 More , an orthodox chromosomal gene and a virus that is transmitted inside the host 's egg would agree in wanting the host to succeed not just in its courtship but in every detailed aspect of its life , down to being a loyal , doting parent and even grandparent .
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