Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ask a group of industry watchers for the trends to look out for in 1993 , and one answer they 're all sure to give you is portable computing .
2 It was natural for the Girls to go out with men but Tiller was possessive and seemed to expect them to remain single until they were about thirty years of age , then quietly fade away .
3 It really is time for the courts to stamp down on motoring infringments .
4 The terror group Sons of Glendower sent warning letters to the BBC in Bangor , Gwynedd , setting a deadline of March 1 — St David 's Day — for the families to get out of Wales .
5 Make sure there are no other ways for the weevils to climb up to the pots .
6 At Christmas 1910 , the committee gave permission for the women to go out to the pantomime at the kind invitation of a lady of the town , and — possibly put off by some unrecorded experiences in the previous year — they recommended that no eggs be pickled that season .
7 Underneath there would be a pit , deep enough for the soldiers to stand up in .
8 ‘ It would need an increase of 100 per cent in the ewe premiums for the farmers to get back to their previous levels of income at the beginning of the 1980s . ’
9 It is for the humanities to speak up for the value of retrospective conversion , and for some national planning to be undertaken to achieve this , as they , and to some extent the social sciences have most to gain from such an investment .
10 The time has come for the politicians to face up to their responsibilities , ’ Mr Rocard said .
11 The cheapest and most practical method was for the shikari to sit out over a tethered bait in a tree hide or machan waiting for the tiger to appear .
12 A provision for the partners to bring in to the firm 's account their fees and other remuneration derived from offices and appointments held by them ( see below ) ( Clause 10.06 ) .
13 the sky was a beautiful blue , the sun in just the right position for the rainbows to come out of the cleft in exactly the right position photographically .
14 The overlap with the districts needs to be eradicated , it 's a black hole at the moment , every district can pass a its surplus on to another district , and indeed it would be the last district to prepare a district wide local plan that has to meet the residue of the Greater York requirement , it may maybe a good stimulus for the districts to get on with their local plans , but that 's not an planning way .
15 The meaning is not explained but is left for the listeners to work out for themselves .
16 In April the garden was a jungle of bluebells , bursting from under the trees in blue tides above your ankles , but by midsummer my grandmother had it tame again , fifty yards of earth between wooden fences bearing docile rows of hollyhock and sweet peas ; an ex-army rug was spread on the shaven lawn for the children to sit on for tea outdoors .
17 The head , in promoting the discussion and holding the ‘ overview ’ of developments across the school as a whole , will be aware that there are many different possible patterns , ranging from a simple ‘ lesson-a-week ’ pattern to a more complex planned programme which might ( for example ) integrate music into a thematic project or topic , and allow for an ‘ intensification period ’ at the end of term ( say for the children to build up to a performance ) .
18 When Teacher came out and rang his bell for the children to line up in neat rows , she held Frankie back so that he was the last to obey the signal .
19 In summer an artificial grass rug comes out of the garden shed for the children to roll about on and a wooden sandpit , brought in Germany , keeps them happy for hours .
20 There was , however , little time for free play or choice of activity and no chance for the children to mess about with paint , sand , water etc .
21 So , no sooner did the record go into the charts and we were going ‘ yeah , this is it — hooray — we 're taking off ’ , they dropped the record and we had to wait for the guys to come back to earth .
22 Our assistance breaks that barrier while allowing for the funds to come back to the Network when the company steps up production and is earning a return on its investment .
23 Defence agent Jack Gowans said : ‘ It was not the best day for my clients to chose because it was a dawdle for the police to catch up with them . ’
24 At the other end of the age range employees who have not taken advantage of the incentives to contract out of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme ( SERPS ) should do so before they dwindle away altogether .
25 Go right , bounce on the trampoline , go up , right , down and paint the button , paint some platforms to bounce out of the cave you 're in , go left , down to the trampoline , go right and fall down , go left and paint the switch , go right and climb the stairs poking out of the cauldron , paint the button on your right , fall down and go left , fall down and go left , fall down and collect the picture from the bottom of the hole , paint some of the ledges to get out of the hole and go right , fall down the right-hand side of the map and go left , paint the switch , go left and paint the next switch .
26 Tolkien wanted his characters in The Lord of the Rings to live up to the same high standard .
27 The contractual right of the defendants to retain out of the moneys in hand a sum in respect of costs disallowed on the standard basis taxation is in issue .
28 She 's also produced very kind of her erm , a questionnaire about the Royal Quays erm to take home to their parents and grandparents to bring back and about , probably get a couple of copies of that and then when they 've done that the seventh and fourteenth she 's going to , or we 're gon na select two pupils from each of the classes to go out with her , one group to go into the middle of North Shields
29 I know I do have the confidence of the backbenchers to carry on with this particular job as well as the confidence of the leader and the shadow Chancellor .
30 But ask one of the sergeants to come up in ten minutes to pack up the mallet for the Yard lab , will you ?
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