Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [pron] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , an upbringing which gave Alexander II many qualifications for the tasks which confronted him failed to conceal the fact that he was not very gifted at all .
2 Only yesterday in Oxford Frank Baughan called for the youngsters who beat him and broke his wrist to be birched. frank Bishop is n't today 's only victim .
3 To ask the Minister for the Arts what plans he has for the European arts festival ; and if he will make a statement .
4 To ask the Minister for the Arts what steps he is taking to encourage access to opera by young people and by a wider range of the public generally .
5 To ask the Minister for the Arts what steps he is taking to improve sponsorship of the arts .
6 To ask the Minister for the Arts what steps he is taking to encourage the increase of touring by arts companies .
7 He killed himself because he was literally sick to death of fighting some of the largest manufacturers of FM radios for the royalties they owed him .
8 And people are asking for advice and blessings , telling him about the problems they trust him to solve .
9 His mother says that he talked to her about it and she tried to convince him that he was misinterpreting what he had seen and heard , but as far as I can learn John never mentioned it to anyone else until late in life , when telling Dr Schäfer about the thoughts which led him to make his ballet Spuren .
10 Unfortunately , I wrote to him in rather a hurry , and did n't take copies of the notes I sent him .
11 He pointed to one or two of the maroons who accompanied him .
12 Referral of the problems which concern him comes nearly always from a parent or outsider .
13 ( Alan ) Henderson , to decline the offer of a bond in 1981 when as a newly elected Committee member , he believed he needed to respect ‘ the ( contra ) attitude ( to bondholders ) of the members who voted him in ’ , and quoted the discussions at the 1979 Annual General Meeting .
14 If a fluid balance chart is in use it will be continued until the patient goes to theatre and will be one of the documents which accompany him .
15 ‘ College men ’ or ‘ academics ’ are considered to be potentially dangerous and polluting because of their limited understanding of the ‘ polis 's ’ real world ; for they never stay long enough to experience the depth and complexities of the activities which lend him his ‘ special knowledge ’ .
16 It is tempting to explain the startling developments which duly took place in Russian domestic affairs in the second half of the 1850s and the first half of the 1860s by saying that the tsar recognized the extent of the difficulties which confronted him and applied himself to resolving them .
17 This was one of the one of the things I asked him was n't it ?
18 When he visited the Russian sculptor Archipenko and his wife , who were living in a villa in Nice , Modi grumbled of the women who bossed him around .
19 He rose from the ridiculous chair and made his way carefully down the crowded row , responding politely to those who greeted him by name , noting with carefully repressed surprise that two of the women who gave him private little smiles were seated next to each other , friends who had no idea they had something more than friendship in common .
20 One of the best known names in football has been teaching a group of schoolchildren some of the skills which took him to the top of the game .
21 The inner contemplation of the matters which troubled him merged suddenly with awareness that the sword was an unbearable weight at the end of his extended arms .
22 Since 29-year-old Melia , from Stretchley , near Sheffield , was taken into custody he has steadfastly refused to say a word to any of the officers who questioned him .
23 This led to insubordination amongst the Seventh Infantry who attacked the Governor and wounded one of the officers who accompanied him .
24 Common lawyers tended to develop regional specialisms , however , and there was thus often some correlation between a lord 's areas of interest and those of the lawyers who advised him .
25 Common lawyers tended to develop regional specialisms , however , and there was thus often some correlation between a lord 's areas of interest and those of the lawyers who advised him .
26 That was one of the reasons she loved him , but she could n't go on doing it indefinitely — swearing that this time he had gone too far and it was the end and then having to console him .
27 A seventeenth-century libertine who wrote excellent satirical verse ( he 's the author of the famous epigram about Charles II : ‘ God bless our good and gracious king/Whose promise none relies on ; /Who never said a foolish thing , /Nor ever did a wise one ’ — one of the reasons I like him so much is that allegedly he recited it extempore to the king ) and some great , great poems about sex .
28 But it was not the mere surface meaning of the words which arrested him .
29 He returned with a symphonic battle piece , and when I asked if he realized the significance of the words he admitted he did not know what they meant ! )
30 He stated : " Haughey had retained all but one of the tapes I gave him , and at no stage indicated disapproval of the action that had been taken . "
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