Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The argument is that school-leavers are mainly only temporarily unemployed and in the first few months of work are likely to switch jobs as they search for the ones that suit them best .
2 ‘ Aim for the trenches an' lob it straight in ;
3 At the first sign of the emotional see-saw that life so often presents , you go scurrying off for the goodies that give you comfort .
4 ‘ What a passionate speech , ’ he drawled laconically , reaching for the Raybans and sliding them over heavy-lidded eyes .
5 As a result of these value conflicts litigants had no respect for the courts and manipulated them .
6 I made a hand winch with a double handle and a ratchet and room for half a kilometre of twine on the drum ; I made different types of tails for the kites that needed them , and dozens of kites large and small , some stunters .
7 If this sort of technology was introduced into commercial-sized refrigeration plants , they could be turned off during peak times and then switched back on during low demand periods , saving money for the companies that own them and using less energy .
8 For a start , it would leave EMU an option for the countries that want it , and a cause of no bother to those that do not .
9 Always touch the walls of an old abbey — for the currents of ancient idea coming through from learned men , and for the systems that housed them .
10 The new telecommunications backbone comprises high capacity fibre optic cables and microwave links rather than copper cabling , which means that voice lines are sharp and clear — and that high capacity data links are also available for the businesses that need them .
11 Let us give thanks for the progress made in scientific research , for the luxuries and comforts it has given us , for the assistance in curing disease , with storing information and with improving communications .
12 Henry yanked out the jack , groped for the papers and stuffed them into his pocket .
13 For here is trance dance grooving at its highest level , a silver drug for the senses that allows you to enter into another dimension of sex and sorcery .
14 Congress is not empowered to make laws for the states or to substitute them for the laws of individual states and so on .
15 But at the age of eighteen he was wholly unprepared for the terrors that awaited him .
16 Then I laid a paler colour into the gaps left for the highlights and took it back over the previous work as well to unify the colour .
17 We live in a cause-and-effect world and feel uncomfortable if we can not discover the reasons for the events that surround us .
18 In the meantime , the Dragoons were floundering in the boggy ground , easy targets for the riflemen while finding it impossible to fire with any reasonable accuracy themselves .
19 After the church ceremony , a horse and carriage waited for the newlyweds and took them to their reception , where an entertainer was waiting in the wings to take the children off the adults ' hands .
20 These shells provide a home for the crabs and protect them from predators and the elements .
21 He paid for the drinks and took them back to the others .
22 P.S. As I 've shown , SCF makes sure that your donation works as hard as possible for the children that need it most .
23 and vote for the parties that excludes them , but that mean the sort of thing he he does n't make much of that .
24 It has been argued that very few electors usually read them and that many of the commitments made do not enjoy widespread support among voters , even among those voting for the parties that issued them .
25 Rotary clothes lines , umbrellas and some lawn games require a firm fixing for the poles that support them .
26 As for the bunks that replaced them ( morgue slabs more like ) , they had just enough space if you played dead .
27 He shook during the interviews and said he had a history of mental illness .
28 As the triggers that motivate us may change according to circumstance , the ability to listen to your inner voice and let it direct you is a useful one .
29 I must admit the ‘ truth ’ did not smack me right between the eyes or make me leap like Archimedes from his bath .
30 Position the six roses between the candles and stick them down with dabs of royal icing .
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