Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun] [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 The suspension of the armed struggle just over a month ago was seen as a break-through , but within days , peace seemed as far away as ever .
2 After locking into the Corpach sea basin the previous day we nosed into the narrow canal leading to Neptune 's staircase towards a spectacular sunrise somewhere over the summit of Ben Nevis , a crackling of thin ice at our bows and a thick rim of white frost on the teak gunwhales .
3 Like the new politics all over Europe , they are passionately ecological , inevitably in a region where the dragon 's breath of unchecked industrialisation has scorched great tracts of lately rural land , sickening trees and children indiscriminately .
4 Goulding 's move leaves Wigan 's £75,000 scrum half Andy Gregory in limbo with the new season just over a fortnight away .
5 A collaboration from the depths of hell looks on the cards , we can report with our fingers stuffed prematurely in our ears , as VIC REEVES and BOB MORTIMER have been spotted in cahoots with THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTH all over London recently .
6 But his skin would crawl as if he 'd somehow sensed that he was being watched , and he 'd switch on every light that he could find , including the big spotlights out over what would one day become the car park .
7 The proposed site is virtually on the shoreline in the centre of the bay , with a superb vista out over the Small Isles .
8 The hotel also has a swimming pool , an pool bar , hotel bar , lounge , and dining room with a fine view out over the lake .
9 It was a time of great British expansion and it is thought that , in the guise of ships ' cats , they were scattered from the British Isles all over the globe in a comparatively short space of time .
10 Nevertheless he seemed willing enough to accompany the Finnish detective in the dangerous climb down over the tumbling rocks to where his cousin and his cousin 's pretty , peroxided fiancée lay .
11 It is reflected throughout Europe , and in Tervoort 's extensive study of 20 countries in Europe we can see the move toward the incorporation of signing in educational methodology : ‘ There is no change in favour of oralism and there is an atmosphere of change in the other direction all over Europe ’ ( 1983 : 143 ) .
12 But it seemed to me that I had not properly answered his question and that he was really voicing the unthinking complaint of the people who lived in the little houses all over the world .
13 THE Manchester United footballer Viv Anderson was given a public apology and undisclosed libel damages in the High Court yesterday over a story in the Daily Star concerning a post-match clash between Anderson and the Wimbledon player John Fashanu .
14 ALISTAIR Bell , whose wife was found murdered in a sports centre car park , won undisclosed libel damages in the High Court yesterday over a story linking him with her death .
15 SIS accepted ‘ substantial ’ libel damages in the High Court yesterday over the Channel 4 programme ‘ Against The Odds ’ shown in December 1990 , which claimed the company was involved in a conspiracy with major bookmakers to manipulate starting prices .
16 ACTOR John Thaw was in a defiant mood yesterday over plummeting viewing figures for his new TV show as he collected an honour from Buckingham Palace .
17 He raised the tip of the rod , and gave the slightest flick of his wrist , swinging the line in a smooth curve out over the water .
18 MACEDONIA 'S parliament was locked in a bitter debate yesterday over demands that the republic accept a temporary name to allow its admission to the United Nations .
19 Your friend told me they held vigils outside the Soviet embassies all over the world when I was arrested and when Sakharov went on hunger strike .
21 It is because it is applied recursively at the growing tips all over the tree — branches make sub-branches , then each sub-branch makes sub-sub-branches , and so on — that the whole tree ends up large and bushy .
22 Anglers are to challenge Yorkshire Water at a public hearing today over plans to abstract half the 10 million gallon flow of the river Hull , which they claim is already running dangerously low .
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