Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] when i [be] " in BNC.

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1 I can only race for the title when I 'm happy with the whole team around me .
2 I always looked for the kitemark when I was buying things .
3 ‘ Did you make sketches of me through the spy-hole when I was undressing ? ’ she asked .
4 Tell me something ; were you always prepared to sleep with me to get the jade , or was that a ploy to throw me off the scent when I was getting too close ? ’
5 They hold as high positions as that and they run ministries , and I 'd like to add that in Kuwait the number of women deans in the Kuwait university is the highest in the world , so the woman is working side-by-side by the man , and we are very proud of them , we always have been , and especially after the invasion when I was in Kuwait on the fourth day the people who went in the streets chanting against the Iraqui invasion were the Kuwaiti women .
6 My eye fell on a page she had left on the kitchen table the other day and I had noted , before I could avert my eyes , a pretty scholarly history of my conversion to double-knotting , after an incident when I was unable to get out of the train at Greenwich one evening and found myself being carried on to Maze Hill , because someone was standing on the trailing lace of my shoe .
7 I saw one forlorn notice saying " Sergeants ' Mess " , and was about to explore the rest of the camp when I was stopped by a shout .
8 In one week I listened to the English boy singing the praises of my dark colouring and frizzy hair , felt him kiss me on the cheek with obvious pleasure whenever I cooked a meal and when I came in from work , or when we sat watching television together , and found him waiting for me at the end of the road when I was late back for some reason .
9 My bedroom , for instance , had a ghost that used to come through it every night — it was n't a visible ghost but it was audible — and I used to see the door open at the other end of the room when I was in bed and then would hear this ‘ clunk clunk ’ … .
10 My opposition goes back to 1979 and to the work done in the Department of the Environment when I was in it on the production of the 1981 Green Paper .
11 It was n't , it was n't much of a subject when I was young , is it , is it a necessary part of the school curriculum ?
12 ‘ I fell out of a tree when I was four years old .
13 Editor , — A Esmail and S Everington 's short report reminded me of a situation when I was executive dean of the medical school of the University of Manchester in 1970 .
14 The idea of the vats of the mind reminds me of an occasion when I was walking on the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania with some friends , who showed me an oak gall .
15 It attracted me like a magnet when I was a youth , and soon as I could leave school I was up at the course for a caddying job .
16 ‘ I worked for a bit when I was about eighteen .
17 And I felt like I remember sometimes feeling as a child when I was doing something a bit difficult , a bit daring .
18 ‘ No , I came across the letter that had been enclosed with the money when I was going through my father 's papers after he died .
19 We 've , into the village , we lived out in the countryside till I was eight , and we come down into the I should say town should n't I , we come down into the town when I was eight and I was there till I was twenty two , and I came up here , when I got married .
20 Really she was just working out her guilt for having thrown me under the wardrobe when I was six weeks old .
21 As he told the NSS last year , ‘ All the great reformers and responsible people did n't dare pop their heads above the parapet when I was saying , ‘ Let's junk some of the rubbish , let's talk , let's get some real debate back . '
22 I had an experience with a bike when I was very small a girl up the road was given a bike and I had quite quietly learnt how to ride a bike more or less .
23 ‘ I started out with a dream when I was 13 to be a musician …
24 I got into a band when I was 13 playing melodic punk .
25 If I ca n't still clamber up a mountain when I 'm 55 , subject to health and having both legs of course , I want to be put down humanely .
26 Although the bolts were thick , I still bent in the middle when I was lifted and carried , a man at either of my ends .
27 ‘ They do n't feel a thing , and I always put them back in the lake when I 'm through . ’
28 In the toilet when I was with Lynne .
29 Yes , because er in the university when I was studying at home , we have not er this tutor system like here and so it 's really strange , but I think it 's a good idea of , er talking to your lecturers as equal people .
30 ‘ I 'm not allowed in the prop-room when I 'm in costume , ’ Stella said .
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