Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] is [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Er the reason for the get-together is for us to look closely at the aspirations of the group within the immediate future , and taking us forward three to five years .
2 At the instant the switch opens , the current through the inductor is at its peak value ; this current can not fall to zero instantaneously any more than it could rise instantaneously , and a back e.m.f. is developed across the inductor to oppose the fall .
3 But this year the condition of the soil is on our side .
4 On the other hand , in administration terms , suppliers , customers and employees will need to know which part of the operation is in which place and when it will be there , otherwise communication between the different sites may become confused .
5 But the tougher regime for overseas person calls will not apply to calls on customers in the UK in relation to activities of the firm within its SFA authorisation ; this is because the firm is nonetheless an authorised person and the call is therefore not an overseas person call if the subject matter of the call is within its SFA business profile .
6 The Staff Motor Engineer can be instructed where the nature of the damage is within his current field of operation e.g. where the Plant could have been equally well insured under Special Type Motor Policies .
7 We are supposed to be able to turn the silver piece round , so that the plain side of the work is towards us , allowing the needles to lie in the grooves on the underside of the garter bar and replace the stitches on the needles .
8 ‘ The power of the film is in its fine characterizations . ’
9 The black olives of Provence are small , wrinkled , salty ; all the tang of the South is in them .
10 Cos the purpose of the exercise is for us to see how far we 've come , but the most important purpose of the exercise is to determine where we wan na go .
11 Coleman tell us that an unleaded version of the stove is on its way — a move which will greatly reduce running costs .
12 But now that the worst of the weather is behind us and the days are drawing out , you should have a chance to catch up .
13 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me ,
14 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me ( Luke 4:18 ) .
15 And the prophecy of Isaiah 61 : 1 , ‘ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me , for he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor … ’ stands in Luke 's Gospel ( 4:18 ) , as a beacon shedding light over the whole of his ministry .
16 The black letters said , The Eye Of The Lord Is Upon You .
17 The excitement of The Place of the Lion is in its power to shake the reader up — to make us feel that the world is not the place we thought it was .
18 L. T. Peters ' The 11th Plague ( 1974 ) describes ‘ an infinitesimal germ , a microorganism , unleashed upon a helpless giant , the United States ’ , and a doctor who risks his life to do something about it and ‘ for one terrible moment finds that the fate of the world is in his hands ’ .
19 Through clientelism , the allegiance of the peasant is to his patron rather than to other peasants , so that it is more difficult for solidarity between those in the peasant class to develop .
20 ‘ The future of the nation is in your hands , ’ he said in a radio broadcast .
21 ‘ The future of the nation is in your hands , ’ he said in a radio broadcast .
22 Note that this should be done before the series of lectures commences , so that a mental map of the topic is before you when you attend the first lecture .
23 An inadequate return on capital might mean that we are getting less than we would if the money was at work in the money market but whereas the development of the business is within our control interest rates are not .
24 The remainder of the evening is at your disposal .
25 It 's a rather special feeling to stretch out on the bank , with a cup of coffee warming chilled fingers , and to know six months of the season is before you .
26 Overall supervision of a ward is in itself a mammoth task and constant interruptions make the concentration on one patient or learner difficult .
27 The ideal love of a man for a woman and of a woman for a man is for them to want to give something to each other , or to want to do something for each other .
28 With Mrs. Crawley , the narrative reflects the belief of most people in the nineteenth century that the best place for a woman is with her husband , supporting and caring for him .
29 We had only known Sinar Surya as a lumpish extension of the land — as dependent on it as a baby is on its mother ; now she had come of age as she surged south to a thrilling new rhythm , new smells and new sensations .
30 At the time of marriage there is almost always a sense of , " it could n't happen to us , " but once marital difficulty arises the consideration of divorce as a solution is of itself more easy .
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