Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun] that give " in BNC.

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1 Capitalist economic relations were established in the countryside through the ‘ enclosures ’ , where land became the private property of landowners and the rural work-force was stripped of the land-use rights that gave them an independent source of subsistence .
2 But the electron carries a high energy transverse to the direction of the collision , and thus bears the signature of the W particle that gave it birth .
3 Our next goal was a superb line — The Trunk of the Elephant — which ascends the steep profile of the rock formation that gives the route its name .
4 This study could be seen as a pilot study that gives an intimation that if one has the right methodology the data which is yielded can be richer than that created from other methods .
5 From the iron gates that gave on to the road the palace was visible through tall plane tress , but it was not easily accessible .
6 But it was working as a computer specialist in the insurance industry that gave him the necessary experience , most notably the motor insurance experience , he needed .
7 Beyond the last buildings of Cowgill , a bridge over the river admits to the branch road that gives an alternative return to Dent Town .
8 The residents complain to the city council that gave them the land — and discover that it has now designated the area as a garbage dump .
9 The lighting was from downward-angled spotlights on the roof grid that gave the place an odd , studio-like atmosphere .
10 Five years ago a medical general practitioner might have spent $8,000 a year on an insurance policy that gave him cover for a claim up to $1m .
11 They scattered across the dirt plaza that gave the low-lying village its air of consequence ; those whose homes lay uphill began their journey with scuffling games of last-lick which ceased as the road became steep and the heat too strong .
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