Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [vb base] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Save as otherwise expressly provided , the definitions in sections 4 and 5 of the Act apply only for the purposes of interpreting section 1 of the Act : see section 1(3) .
2 Papers for Committees must be short and must contain a concise summary of the proposals put forward for consideration .
3 ( 4 ) The purpose of the subsection is to make it clear that the extension of the permitted hours only applies to the part of the premises set apart for the consumption of main meals by a person having a table meal there .
4 The effect of this is to allow liquor to be provided for a further hour in the evening in a part of the premises set aside for people taking table meals provided it is consumed as part of the meal .
5 Once the section has been applied to premises , liquor can be supplied for consumption at a table meal ( for the meaning of " table meal , " see s.139(1) ) as an ancillary to the meal in that part of the premises set aside for meals between 12.30 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. and 6.30 pm. and 11 pm. on Sundays ( subss. ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) ) .
6 Do not take too much notice of the reasons put forward for the auction or put much store by claims of " no reserves on any of the items " .
7 She felt the desolation of a child in a strange house , saddened by the alien nature of the sandwiches , bewildered by the peculiar quality of the trifle which the family of the house take greedily for granted , almost afraid of the unfamiliar shape of the jelly , choked by the frogspawn lump of unshed tears , past which not one small sweetie can negotiate a passage .
8 Secondly , local accountability was at the centre of the arguments put forward for the community charge ( or poll tax ) and other reforms in local taxation .
9 In particular it was one of the arguments put forward for the abolition of the metropolitan counties and the GLC in 1986 ( HMSO , 1983 , paragraph 1.19 ) .
10 There is no disgusting crusty dirt that does n't care if it loses its job ; instead there are the big boots and frocks of the playground dressing-up box , the scruffy jeans and last year 's trainers like the ones set aside for playing after school .
11 Jobs range from grape-picking in Italy to working as a tour guide abroad for English tourists .
12 Nevertheless , the positive attitudes towards SSE which are associated with teachers ' contact with the booklet augur well for its continued use for review purposes by Solihull schools .
13 If we genuinely believe everyone to be entitled to education , then we must reject the aristocratic distinction between an education fit only for workers and one fit for philosopher-kings ; but we Must equally reject the new assumption that only those who are receiving a scientific education are being ‘ properly ’ educated ; the rest , those who are studying arts , being relegated to the position of drones or parasites to be , at best , tolerated , and seen as ‘ enriching ’ themselves .
14 From the summit strike northwards for two and a half miles along an obvious path .
15 CENSORS have sliced 30 F-words from the movie Die Hard for its first screening on British television .
16 Italians in the know come here for the beaches , yet the area is barely known to foreign visitors .
17 In sections from normal oesophageal mucosa , almost all the endothelium in the papillae stain positively for EGF ( Fig 3A ) .
18 Buckingham Palace could fit inside the areas set aside for underground car-parking at the rear , where the old national football stadium has been turned into the modern equivalent of the royal stables .
19 And then there was the attempt not to issue a questionnaire to every household but to reserve the questionnaires in the Town Hall for four week days Saturdays to will honour the people who did n't actually have Friday who were at home perhaps walk in to the City Centre you might be able to pick one of these up and then there was the problem distrib in distributing the questionnaire because despite of the assurance given to the consultants they were nevertheless distributed amongst the numerous St Albans and believe you me even those likely people who did go to the press do sometimes for every that we having suddenly fully congressed to see whether perhaps there might be a consultation questionnaire lurking within it .
20 Halfway to the ground pull again for horizontal flight .
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