Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [noun sg] for her " in BNC.

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1 Richard Baxter left Kidderminster for London three days after the thanksgiving service for her deliverance , as we have already noted .
2 Television presenter Anne Diamond , who was given a special award by the Communicator of the Year committee for her work in highlighting the issue of cot deaths , appeared in a video screened at Torquay .
3 Diana Hendry , who studied as a mature student in the Department of English , won the Best Children 's Novel category prize in the 1991 Whitbread Book of the Year Award for her tale of Harvey Angell , a ‘ magical electrician ’ .
4 EMMA Joyce , 12 , has won the prestigious Unilever Young Environmentalist of the Year award for her project entitled Wildlife around my home .
5 She turned to his 1842 invention of the cyanotype process for her photographic work .
6 Their secretary , Mrs. Fryer , was presented with ‘ a spontaneous gift of a gold watch for her three years as secretary ’ .
7 Rachel looked around the living-room for a hiding place for her choker .
8 The new French prime minister , Edith Cresson , has described the environment , along with employment , as a priority concern for her government .
9 There 's a strong and well delivered geographical link ( she uses the excellent Central Television series ‘ Going Places ’ as a starting point for her second-year juniors ) , but she does n't allow her topics to develop systematically into related areas of the curriculum .
10 She took one step forward and picked up the paperweight from the vicar 's desk — a large pebble upon which Mrs Longhill had painted wild flowers as a birthday present for her husband .
11 She was expelled from school for being a ‘ bad influence ’ , joined a heavy metal band and at one stage worked as a Bunny Girl for her father 's biggest rival , Playboy chief Hugh Heffner .
12 MADONNA is being tipped as an Oscar nominee for her role in her new film Body Of Evidence , which will be released in Britain next March .
13 But short of getting dressed , or rummaging in the hall cupboard for her Burberry , or swathing herself in her duvet and sweeping ornaments to the ground as she tiptoed through the sitting-room , she could n't think of any solution .
14 And as she took part in the publicity drive for her memoirs , she stressed the importance of close ties with Washington .
15 Sula was by birth a Manghutt princess , and she had lived under sentence of banishment until her son 's accession to the Dragon Throne for her part in her family 's attempt to install him as Kha-Khan while his grandfather Arjun yet ruled .
16 Fabia reached over to the bedside table for her watch .
17 As Judith finished cleaning out the hen for the next day 's dinner , she made room on the kitchen table for her mother to prepare the Friday-night traditional meal of gefilte fish .
18 In fact , Diana 's indignation at Raine simmered for years until finally it boiled over in 1989 at the church rehearsal for her brother 's wedding to Victoria Lockwood , a successful model .
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