Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] which [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Actually , the use of this final pronominal element is quite transparently a way to regain attributive status for the adjective which precedes it , and its use with certain adjectives ( to be introduced below ) which do not genuinely occur in predicative position is thus much more significant than Bolinger allows for , showing that there are values attached to attributive status which are more important than mere position in the sentence relative to the verb , and that speakers will even seek to conform to these by devising an attributive construction which would otherwise not be called for .
2 In the first case , either interpretation is fully acceptable — it can be either Farjeon or his style of undressing which has the quality of being clumsy ; and quite possibly the existence and use of such sentences provide the interpretative syntactic basis for the type which follows it , which therefore represents in a sense a second order of syntactic patterning .
3 A program ( issue 44 ) is a file containing a series of instructions for the computer which cause it to do a particular job ( such as behave like a word processor or a flight simulator ) .
4 Nathan waited patiently for the remissions which made it possible for the ruined mind to function for a time ; he sat by the sick man , who by now was almost blind ; the paralysis was , after all , general .
5 And because the particular form of constancy adopted by my family seems at least as important in the aetiology of my own disease as the changes which accompanied it , I shall start with an anecdote which illustrates , in little , the fixed but complex family structure of which I was a part .
6 It is perhaps ironic that this tablet is one of the few on the market which can be interfaced with the Dragon computer as the company which makes it is the remnants of the firm which designed and built the Dragon .
7 Pictured right is a saffron-gatherer whose image , painted on to a wall in Thera ( now Santorini ) in the first century BC , was preserved under ash even as the volcano which produced it was destroying civilisation on the island .
8 American herbs such as this one have a history associated with the original Indian inhabitants of the North American continent including Canada , and it was Oswego Indians in particular who used the leaves as the beverage which gives it one of its common names .
9 For the Foucauldians sexuality is made meaningful through the discourses which shape it .
10 Even as she observed this , it did just that , slithered off the nail which supported it and plunged headfirst into the deep blue of the mantelpiece .
11 Almost all of the papers which cite it use it as an example of how primate behavioural research should not be carried out ] .
12 Where Chapman perhaps got it wrong was in underestimating Ronnie 's ambition , his ruthless quality of self-appraisal , the total superiority of the Lotus which made it equally possible for either driver to win the championship , Ronnie 's far more exuberant and attacking style and the pent-up frustrations of Ronnie 's own career .
13 Once again , it was the insidious , unseen nature of the threat which made it even more unpleasant .
14 He has always recognized the sweetness of an apple as a reason for choosing it , although a sinful one ; with the lapse of the standard which condemns it , it asserts itself as the only relevant consideration .
15 Nevertheless , Circumspecte agatis deserves attention because of the circumstances which brought it about as much as for the harmony which it established in some controversial areas of justice .
16 — the right to examine Government legislation and that he stop the appalling use of the guillotine which stifles it ?
17 A small arched pole is then threaded through a sleeve in the front of the flysheet which extends it into a good size porch .
18 It was the mention of the cane which triggered it .
19 In theory , members of the executive committee were representatives of affiliated organisations and the committee was supposed to co-ordinate the efforts of the groups which supported it .
20 What he has done is describe certain linguistic features of the text which distinguish it from other texts ( he refers to Yeats 's ‘ Phoenix ’ and Tennyson 's , ‘ Morte d'Arthur ’ , as well as instances of non-literary usage ) , and which look as if they may be of some literary significance ; but he leaves it to the literary specialist to determine what the nature of that literary significance is .
21 Hence the modern Oedipus complex is not wholly explicable by reference to the modern family ( and therefore not controvertible by reference to modern family arrangements which allegedly do not feature it ) , but rather to both the individual 's actual family circumstances , and to the inherited and culturally transmitted conditions of the species which produced it in the first place and which determined its particular expression .
22 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that , although the definition of ‘ family proceedings ’ in section 8 of the Children Act 1989 did not specifically refer to the provisions in Part III of the Act , the section was to be read with section 92(2) of the Act which made it clear that all applications to the justices under the Act were family proceedings ; that , accordingly , the application to the justices for a secure accommodation order under section 25 in Part III of the Act were family proceedings ; and that , therefore , the statements of evidence and the psychiatrist 's report should have been admitted in evidence in accordance with the provisions of the Children ( Admissibility of Hearsay Evidence ) Order 1991 ( post , pp. 91E–G , H — 92A ) .
23 It may seem more plausible to identify the meaning with the belief or attitude of the speaker which caused it .
24 But the system of laws in place at any one time in a democracy worthy of the name has a permanence about it ; partly due to the formality and bureaucracy of the institutions which sustain it , but , more importantly , because of the hydra-headed nature of the social processes which it facilitates .
25 The busy periods for the neighbourhood unit reflect those of all policing — Thursdays to Saturdays — and accompanying them on beat duty on these days further illustrates the range of duties which comprise neighbourhood policing and some of the factors which structure it .
26 The most obvious conclusion to be drawn is the need for studies of the extent to which lifetime success varies and of the factors which affect it .
27 The private organisation is expected to take into consideration only those consequences of the decision which affect it , while the public agency must weigh the decision in terms of some comprehensive system of public or community values ’ ( Simon 1957:69 ) .
28 It was a balanced system in which the best use was made of a poor environment and which safeguarded the long-term interest of the communities which occupied it , at the level of which the land was capable .
29 In June 1682 Louis XIV , now at the height of his power , explicitly asserted his right to correspond with all foreign sovereigns in French and not to use Latin ; and though the treaty of Ryswick between France and the Holy Roman Empire in 1697 was still in Latin most of the discussion which produced it was in French , as was the Franco-Dutch agreement of the same year .
30 The fact that we can not identify the author of a text simply and straightforwardly with any of the discourses which make it up , especially in the polyphonic novel-text , and the fact that literary texts resist interpretive closure , has led some modern critics to deny that literature is communication .
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