Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [conj] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 He had decided to do nothing further for the present and leave it to Berowne to make the first move .
2 They used to put the cloth on for the winter and take it off during the summer .
3 The Peacock Committee was convinced that it was no longer possible to recommend ‘ no change ’ to either the licence fee system or the funding structure of broadcasting as a whole ; the differences between the two sources of revenue would create recurring crises for the BBC and put it at a competitive disadvantage compared to the ITV structure .
4 He thanked Mitch again for the tattoo and said it was lasting pretty well , considering .
5 The present owners of Pool Bank were previously the tenants , and during their tenancy they cared for the gallery and strengthened it , and now as owners will watch over it with loving care .
6 If you have been nominated to respond to an SPR , this option enables you to accept responsibility for the SPR or to pass it on to another user .
7 ‘ Aim for the trenches an' lob it straight in ;
8 She said a tiny minority were making life miserable for the majority and said it was time to tackle the root causes of crime .
9 She said a tiny minority were making life miserable for the majority and said it was time to tackle the root causes of crime .
10 An unsuspecting crew member intercepted a call destined for the prince and passed it on to Diana .
11 After all , a dog or a cat will come for the rub and tickle it so obviously enjoys .
12 But even so , it was far easier to set out a project for the Council than to implement it .
13 Mould a small ball for the head and secure it to the body with royal icing .
14 You 'll have to stump up at least £2,500 for the bond and leave it invested for five years .
15 Leeming signalled for the pad and took it from Duncan .
16 Jane had decreed bowls rather than plates for the curry and spooned it out in the kitchen whence it was ferried by Christopher , Francis and Martine ( Jane 's mind darted back involuntarily to Puchero and gauchos in Argentina ) .
17 He was at his most sincere when he argued for the South and defended it ferociously against the feebleness of Yankee and British snobberies and prejudice .
18 For a start , it would leave EMU an option for the countries that want it , and a cause of no bother to those that do not .
19 Ferranti continued with presentations yesterday to the group of more than 10 companies believed to have expressed an interest in bidding for the company or providing it with equity capital .
20 and after you 've gorged yourself on all the fun and nightlife that Benitses has to offer , you can turn in for the night and leave it all behind .
21 Let us give thanks for the progress made in scientific research , for the luxuries and comforts it has given us , for the assistance in curing disease , with storing information and with improving communications .
22 He reached for the case and took it in both hands .
23 This despoliation was greater than any perpetrated after 1453 by the Turks who , in general , cared well for the structure and revered it as a mosque .
24 I imagined what would happen if I should tear the sleeves out , or cut it up , or run to the kitchen for the tomato-ketchup and pour it all over the bodice ; if I should rip out the collar with my teeth .
25 For the prescription and to get it checked .
26 As a general rule , when the demand for a resource is such that it is allocated for two thirds of the available time , then programs spend twice as long waiting for the resource as using it .
27 The paragraph mark is typed at the end of a paragraph whenever you tap Enter It contains paragraph ( not character ) formatting instructions for the paragraph that precedes it , eg tab stops or justification .
28 Then I laid a paler colour into the gaps left for the highlights and took it back over the previous work as well to unify the colour .
29 Scornful of Mr Major 's so-called Big Idea , the Citizens ' Charter , Mr Smith launched his own Citizens Charter for the Cabinet and dubbed it ‘ Majorwatch ’ .
30 He reached for the bat and sent it skimming along the boards .
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