Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [vb past] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Under the heading ‘ A better quality of life ’ , Labour 's policy review for the 1990s declared that the future of the planet depended on keeping it at the top of the agenda :
2 What is clear , as we shall see below from both victimisation studies and official statistics , is that the crime rate had not decreased under the Conservatives and Home Office projections for the 1990s suggested that the increase was likely to continue .
3 Iraq 's expansion of the port of Umm Qasr and the development of the Rumalla oil field during the 1970s meant that a settlement of the dispute became a prime Iraqi objective .
4 Research during the 1970s showed that the concentration of service employment in southern Britain was related to the increasing dominance in the economy of large multi-site companies with their head office , administration and associated satellite suppliers near London .
5 A classic confrontation between the two occurred when the Spaniard Diaz del Castillo was received by the Aztec leader Moctezuma in Mexico City .
6 None of the Six believed that the OEEC provided a meaningful alternative to the proposals discussed at Messina .
7 In October of that year the executive committee of the International recommended that the PCF adopt a " class against class " political strategy .
8 The District was one of the ten mentioned and the national statistics almost exactly reflected its own position .
9 The survival of the fittest meant that the struggle for life condemned millions of living creatures to starvation or violent death from many causes , not by any means the least important of which was the provision of food for other species .
10 In addition to being the party representing the interests of wealthier people , Mrs Thatcher 's Conservative governments of the 1980s argued that the UK 's competitive position was so difficult that the interests of production had to come firmly before redistribution .
11 But it was from the first emphasised that a priesthood of succession should be established through Aaron , Moses ' brother .
12 Nobody wanted to push the struggle any further ; nobody in the 1740s imagined that a fight to the death was at hand .
13 Lord President Clyde rejected both grounds and in relation to the first observed that no authority of any kind had been cited to justify it and that Attorney General v. Wilts United Dairies Ltd. , 37 T.L.R. 884 was not in point .
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