Example sentences of "[prep] [be] back in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's just like being back in the dorm . )
2 ‘ He was dumped on me by your friend when he vanished , promising , of course , to be back in a day or two . ’
3 I let myself unwind at last — how good it feels to be back in the field , especially in this cinnamon-scented corner of the mortal sphere .
4 No talk of going out for meals then , everyone rushed off to their respective homes , grateful for the knowledge that they would not have to be back in the Variety Theatre until the ‘ half ’ on the Monday evening .
5 It was good to be back in the peace of the Outer Isles , to swim and laze in the still of a summer evening .
6 You almost end up yearning with the RAF trainees to be back in the cockpit getting on with the business : flying .
7 She did n't know where she was and she longed to be back in the cottage where it was safe .
8 It was a slow-going mile , but towards the end one could hear occasional cars along the road ahead and Gareth and Coconut with whoops crashed through the last few yards , again , as the week before , relieved to be back in the space age .
9 If we do not make the U-turn , that treaty requires us to be back in the ERM , or the son of ERM , before the next election . ’
10 ’ It 's great to be back in the lap of luxury , so it is .
11 And Iain Munro , lately of Dundee , who hopes to be back in the game soon , left with his wife and family for Florida and an early annual holiday .
12 George was in no mood to hang around : he wanted to be back in the safety — illusory though it might be — of the big city with a drink in his hand .
13 The US duo arrived in Spain on a private jet from North Carolina , where they played in the US Tour Championship on Sunday , and both have to be back in the States next Monday .
14 I was happy to see him and happy to be back in the Star Zoo again .
15 Popes might be — and often were — driven from Rome , but they aspired to be back in the city to which they belonged .
16 That is until we stopped for a toilet break in a lay-by , when the howling gale and torrential rain lashed our naked bottoms like a Cabinet minister in a Soho sauna , and made me glad to be back in the car beside the sleeping-bags .
17 Only poor Webb , still in plaster but determined to be back in the side in time for Italy , can feel discouraged by the way he brought it off .
18 Neither he nor Peter can conceal excitement at being back in the limelight again .
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