Example sentences of "[prep] [be] a [noun] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I said that the payroll levy that the Labour party would introduce would have the effect of being a tax on jobs , in precisely the way that the selective employment tax had the effect of being directly a tax on jobs .
2 This sense of being a stranger on earth is well expressed by Malcolm Muggeridge , who was an old hand at lampooning the foibles of the world :
3 So many critics wanted Modern Times to be a satire on capitalism whereas Chaplin was merely using factory production and the depression as a back-cloth for a series of impish gags .
4 used to be a cripple on Hollywood .
5 When they do vote , they usually cast their votes on national issues : Neil Kinnock called for the June 1989 elections to be a judgement on Mrs Thatcher 's term in office .
6 Cable & Wireless , whose Mercury subsidiary yesterday heralded a phone war with the introduction of a new service for London , dipped 3p to 848p over fears that the new project might in fact turn out to be a drain on profits .
7 comes along , it 's a tremendous support , I 'd love to be a bowler on England 's side cos you get clapped for an whatever happens .
8 There used to be a song on television , Grant .
9 In his present distrustful mood , he might imagine her to be a gold-digger on top of everything else .
10 There is also to be a document on structure and balance in the curriculum , in which ministers will draw together the different strands .
11 Its most serious short-comings are its failure to be seen as an arena for national debate … and its incapacity to be a check on executive power .
12 ‘ He claimed to be a expert on child abuse and once even offered his services to the Metropolitan Police — although we did not use him .
13 Once the researcher arrived though , Harrison was as friendly as you like , showed her around the house that he built himself , even showed her the pictures he 'd painted , and best of all , agreed to be a guest on Aspel and Company .
14 John Patten was to reply to the debate on education and there was to be a debate on defence .
15 There was an edge of disdain in her voice which Judith presumed to be a comment on Mrs Klein , wife of the community 's President , with whom Karlinsky would be staying .
16 Er it 's going to be a week on Wednesday now I think .
17 ‘ It will have to be a week on Saturday . ’
18 I understand that there is to be a meeting on Tuesday next to decide whether or not to close Garstang Magistrates Court .
19 I do n't much want to be a charge on charity if I can avoid it . "
20 And there will need to be a note on return address , return by date etc .
21 Des , who used to be a goalkeeper on Stoke City 's books , turned on the style with some continental soccer skills to entertain the crowds before netting from the spot .
22 There also has to be a supervisor on site until the end .
23 The article , which she had not seen before , appeared to be an attack on Fem Sap and , by extension , most female English dons .
24 If you would like to help with a donation , by giving up a couple of hours occasionally to help to run the museum ( you do n't need to be an expert on railways , knowledge of the area is also important ) — or in some other way , please contact either the Hon.
25 The central figure on this occasion was the more locally known organizer , Margaret Irwin of Glasgow , acknowledged to be an expert on women 's trades in Scotland . ] "
26 ‘ Any man who claims to be an expert on women quite obviously is n't . ’
27 He 's going to be an expert on dinosaurs .
28 He made claims to be an authority on Africa , and I could not help suspecting that subconsciously he felt that an incompetent ignoramus had invaded his territory .
29 Our tour manager was a quietly efficient , handsome lady , whose calm suggested those intrepid women who travelled these regions in the last century , and the lecturer was a young woman professor from Manchester University , who turned out to be an authority on mummification .
30 ‘ It can hardly fail to be an improvement on Mangrove East , in any case . ’
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