Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] it [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was put off it from an early age because it used to be used in the by-lines in the Daily Telegraph and it sort of and it looked a bit wrong .
2 Oftel does say that it believes video on demand comes under the auspices of the Broadcasting Act , rather than BT 's Public Telecommunications Operator licence , and while the ITC agrees , it also says that the question of whether it constitutes a broadcasting service has still to be decided .
3 ‘ But that would reduce with A-T as it complicates the treatment .
4 ‘ Sometimes , it 's as if it takes a breathing space . ’
5 She was staring at the holiday roster as if it contained the meaning of life .
6 From what Wayne had been able to see of her left eye , it had looked as if it had a couple of drops of blood in it .
7 A moan rises from the wind , as if it had a spirit .
8 I should prefer the headland without it but it 's beginning to look as if it had a right to be there . ’
9 ‘ It 's as if it had a mind of its own ’ , ’ Grimma read .
10 His crushed throat felt as if it had a lump of stone lodged inside it .
11 Esther says of Mrs Jellyby : her voice impressed my fancy as if it had a sort of spectacles on too Ch 8 and of Mr Turveydrop :
12 There was a moment of silence as their gazes locked , and his last sentence seemed to hang in the air , as if it had a meaning beyond the surface value of the words .
13 Mossadeq declare that Iran did not need a settlement anyway ; much better that the country proceed as if it had no oil — at least that way it would not be exploited .
14 It gave her great qualms that it had been lying in the hall since the morning 's post , as if it had an atmosphere capable of permeating the whole house .
15 I had fixed my mind on that image of that ruined theatre as if it held the clue to my whole identity .
16 And reciprocally , if memory formation requires the synthesis of proteins for the construction of synapses , then if one could stop the proteins from being synthesized around the time of learning then the memory should not be formed ; an animal trained on a task and prevented from synthesizing proteins should behave as if it has no memory for the task — is amnesic — when it is subsequently asked to perform it .
17 Something one does without properly thinking about because it helps a friend out .
18 It was important in that it signified the gulf between the police and the policed .
19 There is an advantage to management too , in that it reduces the dependence of the machine on consistent human performance .
20 This makes military research and development by far the most important scientific activity — important in numbers of scientists involved and money spent ; it is also the most important in that it threatens the annihilation of more people than any other human activity .
21 His pupil , D'Eslon , formulated laws under which animal magnetism seemed to operate : it was a universal , continuous fluid , which was subtle in that it had an ebb and flow ; it was concentrated in the human body like a magnet ; and could be accumulated and communicated over a distance .
22 It was notable in one respect , in that it saw the development of Nicholson 's romance with the stunningly attractive former model , Mimi Machu , who appeared in Psych-Out well down the list of credits under the pseudonym of I.J. Jefferson .
23 The 1987 Green Paper on Education was notable in that it forecast an increase in the number of students in HE in the 1990s .
24 It is impossible to predict when QT prolongation will be beneficial , in that it represents a prolongation of ventricular refractoriness , and when it will be harmful .
25 Die Entführung is unlike any previous Singspiel , in that it represents a fusion of the technical resources of Italian opera seria with the homely tunefulness of the Singspiel .
26 The new procedure is simple in that it involves an application form having three parts on the front of it ( the declaration of means being on the back ) , first the information about the applicant and the charge , second a part to be completed by the Sheriff Clerk , and last a part to bc completed by the Local Secretary .
27 One of these has already been put forward , by the CNAA early in 1982 , termed Model C. In its response to the July 1981 Green Paper , the CNAA is critical both of Model A and Model B , regarding Model A as inadequate and lacking credibility both on academic and other grounds , and Model B as too exclusive in that it creates a division between institutions substantially involved in the provision of public sector higher education and those only marginally so .
28 Althusser describes the ideological form of Marx 's early work as humanist in that it addressed the problem of human nature or the essence of being human .
29 The case is significant in that it establishes the principle that the courts may refer , subject to specific criteria , to Parliamentary material when construing legislation .
30 This is a distinctive feature of the arrangements , both because it identifies pressure at an early stage and also in that it establishes the source of disturbance and whether it is a weak or strong currency .
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